
Primerjava stališč študentov predšolske vzgoje in vzgojiteljev o sovplivanju kiparskega in risarskega razvoja pri predšolskem otroku starem 3–4 leta
ID Kirn, Nuša (Author), ID Podobnik, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Primerjava stališč študentov predšolske vzgoje in vzgojiteljev o sovplivanju kiparskega in risarskega razvoja pri predšolskem otroku starem 3–4 leta je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V diplomski nalogi sem predstavila ureditev predšolskega vzgojno-izobraževalnega sistema, vlogo in pomen izražanja ter globje opredelila faze risanja in kiparjenja. Pri tem sem se osredotočila na posamezne risarske in kiparske materiale, ki so dandanes vzgojiteljem na razpolago za vključitev v dejavnosti z otroki. V teoretični del sem vključila tudi vpliv izkušenj iz vrtca na likovni razvoj otroka in s tem povezano vrednotenje otroških likovnih del. V empiričnem delu sem raziskovala stališča zaposlenih vzgojiteljev in njihovih mlajših kolegov, tj. študentov predšolske vzgoje. Zanimala so me zlasti stališča, ki se nanašajo na povezovanje kiparskih in risarskih dejavnosti, razvitost risarskih in kiparskih zmožnosti pri otroku starem 3–4 leta. Poleg tega sem jih povprašala tudi po njihovih mnenjih o motivaciji oz. vztrajnosti otrok starih 3–4 leta pri ustvarjalnih dejavnostih ter o vrstah in pogostosti uporabe različnega risarskega in kiparskega materiala itn. Pri raziskavi me je zanimalo, v kolikšni meri si bodo stališča študentov predšolske vzgoje in vzgojiteljev podobna in v čem se bodo razlikovala. Rezultate, ki sem jih dobila s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, sem analizirala. Pri vprašanjih zaprtega tipa sem uporabila kvantitativno, pri vprašanjih odprtega tipa pa kvalitativno analizo. Z zbiranjem in obdelavo podatkov sem tako odgovorila na vsa svoja raziskovalna vprašanja, ki sem si jih zastavila pred pisanjem diplomske naloge.

Keywords:predšolsko obdobje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134873 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:93824003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the views of preschool education students and teachers on the interaction of sculptural and drawing development in a 3-4 year old preschool child
The dissertation entitled Comparison of different standpoints between students and teachers of preschool education regarding interaction of sculptural and drawing development in a preschool child aged 3–4 years consists of theoretical and empirical part. In this dissertation the organization of preschool educational system and the role and importance of expression was introduced, furthermore phases of drawing and sculpting were thoroughly defined. The focus was on the individual drawing and sculptural materials that are nowadays available to the teachers of preschool education to engage in activities with children. In the theoretical part it is explained how do experiences from kindergarten influence art development of a child and with that related evaluation of children’s works of art. In the empirical part I was interested in the standpoints of employed preschool teachers and their younger colleagues, i.e. students of preschool education. More specifically, I was interested in the standpoints regarding connection between sculpting and drawing activities and the development of drawing and sculpting abilities in a child aged 3–4 years. Furthermore, I also asked them for their opinions on motivation or perseverance of children aged 3–4 in creative activities and on the types and frequency of use of various drawing and sculptural material, etc. In the research, I was interested in the extent to which the views of students and teachers of preschool education are similar and how they differ. I analysed the results obtained with the help of a survey questionnaire. I used quantitative analysis for closed-ended questions and qualitative analysis for open-ended questions. By collecting and processing data, I thus answered all my research questions that I asked myself before writing my dissertation.

Keywords:preschool period

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