
Izbor in karakterizacija bakterij za uporabo v biološkem čiščenju tehnoloških vod tovarn brezlesnega papirja
ID Erzin, Anja (Author), ID Plazl, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lapanje, Aleš (Comentor)

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V papirni industriji se porablja in onesnažuje velika količina vode. S pomočjo bioaugmentacije bi lahko zmanjšali količino neželenih prisotnih snovi v tehnološki vodi in tako zmanjšali porabo vode. V okviru magistrskega dela smo izbrali najboljšo kombinacijo bakterij, ki razgrajuje snovi prisotne v tehnološki vodi tovarn brezlesnega papirja in ima zato velik potencial za uporabo v biološkem čiščenju. Posamezne bakterije izolirane iz tehnološke vode tovarn brezlesnega papirja smo najprej identificirali in testirali njihovo sposobnost razgradnje snovi, ki so prisotne v tehnološki vodi tovarn brezlesnega papirja. Testirali smo njihovo sposobnost razgradnje azo barvil, fluorescentnega barvila, škroba, celuloze, emulzije lateksa in alkil keten dimerov. Nato smo sestavili smiselne kombinacije najaktivnejših sevov in jih testirali v modelni tehnološki vodi. Analizirali smo prisotnost inokuliranih bakterij v kombinacijah po izpostavitvi v modelni tehnološki vodi, da bi ugotovili negativne in pozitivne interakcije med posameznimi sevi. Odločili smo se za kombinacijo sevov Xanthomonas sp., Cellulosimicrobium sp. Aeromonas sp., Klebsiella sp. in Agromyces sp..

Keywords:azo barvila, biološko čiščenje tehnološke vode, biorazgradnja, organska onesnaževala, tovarna brezlesnega papirja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134691 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:96245763  This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Selection and characterization of bacteria for their use in biological white water treatment of the wood-free paper mills
The paper industry consumes and pollutes a large amount of water. With the help of bioaugmentation, the amount of unwanted substances present in the white water could be reduced and thus water consumption would be reduced. The main emphasis of this master degree thesis is to choose the best combination of bacteria that degrades the substances present in the white water of the wood-free paper mills and therefore has great potential for use in biological treatment. Individual bacteria isolated from the white water of wood-free paper mills were first identified and tested for their ability to degrade the substances that are present in the white water of wood-free paper mills. Their ability to degrade azo dyes, fluorescent dye, starch, cellulose, latex emulsion, and alkyl keten dimers was tested. Then meaningful combinations of most active strains were assembled and tested in synthetic white water. The presence of inoculated bacteria in combination after exposure in synthetic white water was analyzed to determine the negative and positive interactions between individual strains. A combination of strains Xanthomonas sp., Cellulosimicrobium sp., Aeromonas sp., Klebsiella sp. and Agromyces sp. was choosen.

Keywords:azo dyes, biological treatment of whitewater, biodegradation, organic pollutants, wood-free paper mill.

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