
Socialna vključenost in aktivnost albansko govorečih žensk v Savinjski regiji : diplomsko delo
ID Ametaj, Flurina (Author), ID Šumi, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema pričujočega dela so albansko govoreče ženske v Savinjski regiji. Namen naloge je bil raziskati, ali so albansko govoreče ženske v Sloveniji pogosto deležne diskriminacije. Zanima me, ali je res, da v večini primerov v Slovenijo ne prihajajo z namenom izkoriščanja države, temveč se dejansko želijo integrirati v skupnost. V navezavi s tem bom raziskovala, ali so migracije teh žensk s Kosova v večini delovne oz. ekonomske. Posebna pozornost je v nalogi namenjena tudi problemu vsesplošne odvisnosti albansko govorečih žensk od njihovih partnerjev – ali jim popolna odvisnost od njih predstavlja veliko oviro pri kakovostnem vključevanju v družbo. Ob tem me je zanimalo tudi, kako program, kot je socialna aktivacija, vpliva na življenja teh žensk. Ali po zaključenem programu pridobijo nova znanja in veščine in kako jih uporabijo. V ta namen sem raziskala, kako dobro se naučijo jezik znotraj programa, in kaj jih motivira, da začnejo delati spremembe na sebi. Zanimalo me je tudi, koliko let so že v Sloveniji, saj sem iskala povezava med starostjo in znanjem. V teoretičnem delu najprej opišem pojme, ki jih najpogosteje povezujemo z raziskavo. Vire podatkov sem pridobila s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki sem ga sestavila sama. Tako sem dobila odgovore na zastavljena vprašanja in preverila svoje hipoteze. Velik vir podatkov za diplomsko nalogo sem pridobila v času sodelovanja v projektu Socialna aktivacija albansko govorečih žensk, kjer opravljam delo medkulturne mediatorke. To mi je omogočilo vpogled v življenja udeleženk programa , s katerimi sem imela tudi možnost vzpostaviti pristnejši in bolj zaupen odnos. Program še vedno poteka, a že zdaj beležimo ogromno pozitivnih rezultatov, ki kažejo, da so ti programi zelo koristni in imajo pozitiven vpliv na življenja udeleženk. Skozi izkušnje, ki jih pridobivamo z izvajanjem programov tega projekta, smo ugotovili, da je še precej prostora za določene izboljšave in dopolnitve, vendar že s trenutnim načinom dela občutno spreminjamo življenja albanskih žensk v Sloveniji.

Keywords:Projekt Socialna aktivacija, albansko govoreče ženske, integracija priseljencev, jezikovne bariere, slovenščina kot drugi in tuji jezik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[F. Ametaj]
Number of pages:71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134643 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:98502659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Social inclusion and activity of Albanian-speaking women in the Savinjska region
The topic of this thesis is Albanian-speaking women in the Savinjska region. The purpose of my assignment was to investigate whether Albanian-speaking women in Slovenia are discriminated against. I wonder if it is true that in most cases they do not come to Slovenia with the intention of exploiting the country, but actually want to integrate into the community. In this regard, I will investigate whether the nature of migration of women from Kosovo is mostly work related or economic. The thesis also pays special attention to the problem of the general dependence of Albanian-speaking women on their partners and tries to provide an answer to whether their lack of independence is a major obstacle to their quality integration into society. I was also interested in how a program such as social activation affects the lives of these women, whether they gain some new knowledge and skills after completing the program, and how they use them. I researched how well they learn the language within the program, what motivates them to start making changes on their own. I was also interested in how many years they have been in Slovenia, as I wanted to connect years with knowledge. In the theoretical part, I first describe the concepts that are most often associated with research. I obtained data with the help of a questionnaire I compiled myself. In this way I got the answers to the questions and tested my hypotheses. I gained a large source of data for my dissertation while working on a social activation project. This gave me an insight into the lives of these women, and I also had the opportunity to establish more genuine and confidential contact with my interlocutors - participants in the program. There are still a few things that need to be done in the program, however, the results have shown that social activation programs are very useful and have a positive impact on lives of these women. This was also the main goal of my task, namely to show the importance of projects like the Socialna aktivacija albansko govorečih žensk and how such a project can help participants overcome their obstacles.

Keywords:A Social activation project, Albanian-speaking women, integration of immigrants, language barriers, Slovene as a second and foreign language

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