In the master's thesis we discuss the issue and importance of creating a BIM Execution Plan for infrastructure projects, which we applied on the project of the Jelični vrh gallery construction.
In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we focused on presenting the importance of the BIM Execution Plan for the successful implementation of BIM in the design phase. Theoretical part also contains descriptions of the individual chapters that the BIM Execution Plan must contain in order to ensure that the quality flow of information between individual project participants is achieved.
In the practical part of the master's thesis, a 3D model of the Jelični Vrh gallery is presented, which was made on the basis of PGD and PZI plans made by the companies PROMICO d.o.o. and BPI d.o.o., who did not use the BIM approach at the design stage. The purpose of making BIM models was not to draw attention to possible flaws in the phases of current project design, but to ensure the successful upgrade of the infrastructure project with providing the client and contractor a visual display of construction as well as highlighting the critical construction phases. The 3D model is divided into phases that are linked to a schedule to create a 4D BIM model, which represents a construction simulation of the represented object.