
Sodobni vidiki gospodinjskega izobraževanja v Sloveniji
ID Erjavšek, Martina (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7086/ This link opens in a new window

Gospodinjstvo deluje na akademskem, šolskem in na družbenem področju ter v vsakdanjem življenju. Zaradi svoje multidisciplinarnosti vključuje in med seboj povezuje vsebine različnih disciplin (npr. zdrav življenjski slog, prehrana, dietetika, tekstil, dom, družina, potrošnja, osebna in družinska ekonomika ter dizajn in tehnologija), ki se obravnavajo z vidika zadovoljevanja potreb posameznika, družine in družbe. Gospodinjsko izobraževanje in opismenjevanje imata pomembno vlogo pri usvajanju znanj in veščin, ki pripomorejo k dvigu kakovosti življenja posameznika, družin in družbe. Z razvojem družbe se spreminjajo potrebe posameznika in družin, zato so potrebne tudi spremembe na področju gospodinjskega izobraževanja, ki se kažejo v aktualizaciji učnih načrtov predmeta. Cilji in vsebine v učnem načrtu morajo odražati in zadovoljevati potrebe trenutne družbe ter upoštevati kulturno odvisnost in socialno determiniranost področja gospodinjstvo. V trenutni učni načrt predmeta gospodinjstvo v slovenski osnovni šoli so v določenem obsegu že vključena nekatera vsebinska področja, ki so bila prepoznana kot pomembna za zadovoljevanje potreb družbe. Ta se nanašajo na zdrav življenjski slog, prehrano, zdravje, tekstil, potrošnjo, ekonomiko, okolje in na trajnostni razvoj. Glede na zaznane potrebe družbe pa bi bilo treba v gospodinjsko izobraževanje v Sloveniji dodatno vključiti tudi vsebine o domu, uporabi gospodinjskih aparatov in prvi pomoči ter učence spodbujati k razvijanju socialnih in komunikacijskih veščin. Treba je razmisliti tudi o ustrezni umestitvi predmeta v predmetnik, saj se kaže potreba po izvajanju gospodinjskega izobraževanja v celotnem osnovnošolskem izobraževanju. Le takšno gospodinjsko izobraževanje bi omogočalo usvajanje znanj in veščin, potrebnih v družbi, in s tem ustrezno stopnjo gospodinjske pismenosti posameznika.

Keywords:gospodinjsko izobraževanje
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education
Number of pages:33-62
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134594 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:92249091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Modern aspects of home economics education andSlovenia
Home economics operates in the academic, curriculum and social realms, as well as in everyday life. Due to its multidisciplinarity, it includes and interconnects the contents of different disciplines (e.g., healthy lifestyle, nutrition, dietetics, textiles, home, family, consumption, personal and family economics, design and technology), which are considered in terms of meeting the needs of the individual, family, and society. Home economics education and literacy play an important role in acquiring knowledge and skills that help raise the quality of life of the individual, family, and society. With the development of society, the needs of both the individual and the family are changing; therefore, changes are also needed in home economics education, which is reflected in the updating of the subject curricula. The goals and contents in the curriculum must reflect and meet the needs of the current society and take into account the cultural dependence and social determinism of the home economics field. To a certain extent, the current curriculum of the subject home economics in Slovene elementary schools already includes some content areas that have been recognised as important for meeting the needs of society. These relate to healthy lifestyle, nutrition, health, textiles, consumption, economics, family, environment and sustainable development. Given the perceived needs of society, the use of household appliances, home contents, and first aid should be additionally included in home economics education in Slovenia, and students should be encouraged to develop social and communication skills. It is also necessary to consider the appropriate placement of the subject in the curriculum, as it is necessary to implement home economics education in the entire elementary school education. Doing so will enable the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed in society and, therefore, the appropriate level of home economics literacy of the individual.

Keywords:home economics education

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