
Minimalne ploskve : magistrsko delo
ID Vrhovnik, Tjaša (Author), ID Forstnerič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Konformna imerzija iz odprte Riemannove ploskve v Evklidski prostor ${\mathbb R}^{n}$, $n \geq 3$, je minimalna natanko tedaj, ko je harmonična. Ta osnovni pogoj karakterizira minimalne ploskve, ki so po definiciji stacionarne točke ploskovnega funkcionala. Najpreprostejša primera katenoida in helikoid, znana že v 18. stoletju, nastaneta kot realni in imaginarni del holomorfne ničelne krivulje helikatenoide. Ideja aproksimacije in interpolacije minimalnih ploskev, osrednje teme magistrskega dela, so klasični izreki za holomorfne funkcije. Periodno dominantni spreji, Morsejeva teorija in teorija konveksne integracije Gromova o obstoju poti s predpisanimi integrali nam omogočajo iskanje bližnjih preslikav z ničelnimi realnimi periodami, ki po Enneper-Weierstrassovi formuli določajo minimalne ploskve. Izkaže se, da izreki tipa Mergelyana, Weierstrassa in Mittag-Lefflerja veljajo za konformne minimalne imerzije ter splošnejše holomorfne ničelne krivulje, pri čemer v obeh primerih lahko izberemo prave preslikave.

Keywords:minimalna ploskev, Riemannova ploskev, konformna harmonična preslikava, Rungejev izrek, Weierstrassov izrek
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134455 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:93868035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Minimal surfaces
A conformal minimal immersion from an open Riemann surface into the Euclidean space ${\mathbb R}^{n}$, $n \geq 3$, is minimal if and only if it is harmonic. This fundamental condition characterizes minimal surfaces, formally defined as stationary points of the area functional. The simplest examples, known since the 18th century, are catenoid and helicoid, the real and imaginary parts of the holomorphic null curve called helicatenoid. The idea behind approximation and interpolation of minimal surfaces, our main goal, are classical theorems for holomorphic functions, although they need to be suitably adapted. Period dominating sprays, Morse theory and Gromov’s convex integration theory concerning the existence of paths with prescribed integrals enable us to find nearby maps with vanishing real periods, which define minimal surfaces by the Enneper-Weierstrass formula. It turns out that theorems of Mergelyan, Weierstrass and Mittag-Leffler type hold for conformal minimal immersions as well as more general holomorphic null curves. Additionally, such immersions can be chosen to be proper.

Keywords:minimal surface, Riemann surface, conformal harmonic map, Runge theorem, Weierstrass theorem

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