The thesis explores the issue of employing disabled people, inclusion in labour market for disabled people and last but not least also keeping their employment from the legal aspect. Disabled people still present a large share in the register of unemployed people. The most worrying is the fact that this share has not decreased over the years, meanwhile current situation on the labour market is even worse due to the epidemic.
The thesis focuses mainly on measures of solving the issue of inclusion in labour market for disabled people and on legal regulation of position of unemployed people on the labour market. We were mainly interested in the legal regulation of position of disabled people in the labour field and employment, as well as in the role of measures of active labour market policies in including disabled people in the labour market. We used the descriptive method and secondary data source analysis to achieve the goals of the thesis and to get answers for posed research questions; in the end we summarized all findings into a summary of key findings with the synthesis method.
We have found that in field of employing disabled people, legislation regulates specific institutes in general, such as notice of contract termination for a disabled worker or determining working hours, meanwhile individual acts regulate such institutes in more detail. Legislation also regulates measures and incentives that are intended for employers, as well as for disabled people for easier inclusion in the labour market for disabled people. In the thesis we also found that many disabled people are not included in measures of active labour market policies. Among all measures, the most people with disabilities are included in measures of creating workplaces, more specifically in community work programs.