
Vpliv hiperprodukcije sveta umetnosti na umetnika in njegovo delo/Produkcija vrednosti in vrednost reprodukcije
ID Jurca Avci, Asiana (Author), ID Grafenauer, Petja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rauch, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj magistrskega dela je bil definirati glavne dejavnike današnje hiperproduktivne družbe, ki vplivajo na način, kako umetnik ustvarja svoja umetniška dela. Teoretični del raziskuje izbor zunanjih dejavnikov, s katerimi se morajo umetniki spopasti, če želijo biti sprejeti v sedanjem, globalnem svetu umetnosti. Ti dejavniki so naslovi poglavij teoretičnega dela magistrskega dela in se glasijo takole: Hiperkapitalistične oblike produkcije, institucionalizem (Akademija in umetniški trg) ter Novi mediji in platforme za samo (Re) prezentacijo. Ugotovitev, ki izhaja iz raziskovanja teh dejavnikov, je, da čeprav je umetniški trg navidezno obseden z idejo pristnosti in inovativnosti, je nastavljen tako, da vzgaja ravno nasprotno: hiperprodukcijo idej in konceptov, ki umetnike omejijo na standardizirana, pa tudi močno homogenizirana in omejena izrazna sredstva. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela, z naslovom Avtentičnost?, je vprašanje umetniške inovacije v 21. stoletju podrobneje razčlenjeno. V praktičnem delu z naslovom Produkcija vrednosti in vrednost reprodukcije je nastala serija grafik z naslovom “Wetprints” (Mokri odtisi), ki je bila interpretirana tako iz komercialnega vidika, kot tudi iz bolj konceptualnega. Serija je ustvarjena s kapljanjem, potapljanjem in izpostavljanjem kapljičnih tiskov morju in dežju, kar ustvarja nekakšen akvarelni učinek. Vsaka slika, ki tako nastane je edinstvena, a kljub temu neizogibno klišejska zaradi svojih motivov – ovenilih šopkov. Zadnje poglavje podrobno obravnava tako komercialne kot konceptualne procese, ki so vodili do končne predstavitve projekta, razstave z naslovom “A to je to?”, ki je potekala oktobra 2020 v Projektnem prostoru Fotopub.

Keywords:Vizualne komunikacije, fotografija, umetnik, umetniški proces, hiper-produkcija, reprodukcija, odtujenost, pristnost, manipulacija tiska, cvetlične podobe, blagovna znamka, umetniški trg, družabna omrežja, razstava, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.01.2022
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Title:The Effects of the Hyper-production of Art on the Artist and His Work/The Production of Value and the Value of Reproduction
The goal of this thesis was to decipher the main factors of today’s hyper-productive society, which effect the way in which an artist produces their art works. The theoretical part explores a selection of external factors, which artists must tackle if they wish to be accepted within the current, global world of art. Those factors are the titles of the chapters of the theoretical part of this thesis and go as follows: Hyper-capitalistic Forms of Production, Institutionalism (Academia and The Art Market), and New Media and Platforms for Self (Re)presentation. The conclusion which is drawn from the exploration of these factors is that although the art market is seemingly obsessed with the idea of authenticity and innovation, it is set up to breed exactly the opposite: the hyper-production of ideas and concepts, which confine artists to a standardised, as well as greatly homogenised and limited means of expression. In the final chapter titled Authenticity?, the subject of artistic innovation in the 21st century is explored more thoroughly. Within the practical part, titled The Production of Value and The Value of Production a series of prints named Wetprints is executed both via their commercial potential, as well as through a more conceptual interpretation. The series is created through the act of dripping, dipping, and exposing Inkjet prints to sea and rain, which creates a sort of water-colour effect, each image unique, and original, yet inescapably cliche because of its subjects- wilted bouquets. The last chapter discusses both commercial and conceptual processes in detail leading up to the final presentation of the project, So This Is It?, an exhibition which took place in October 2020 in the Fotopub Project Space.

Keywords:Visual communications, photography, the artist, creative process, hyper-production, reproduction, alienation, authenticity, print manipulation, floral imagery, brand, art market, social media, exhibition, master thesis

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