In recent years, social networks have established as an indispensable way of communication. They have become interesting both for those who look for fun during free time and also for those looking for help and social support in different online groups. On platform named Facebook, it is typical for people to join a group whose subject concerns their interests. One of the largest groups in the field of health in Slovenia is the group »Hormonček – ščitnica, nadledvične in druge žleze«, gathering people with hormonal problems. Given that members of this group often turn to fellow members with various requests, seeking advice and outwardly perceive a strong affiliation with the group, I wanted to find out how much social support group members receive online, compared to real social life. For the needs of the analysis of the research problem, I created an online questionnaire, to which members had access in the group. I tried to include as many members as possible in the analysis and analysed the data with the help of the SPSS data analysis program. Results showed that not only type of social support but also the content in which social support is needed, makes the difference for person claiming social support.