
Gibalna dejavnost družin s predšolskimi otroki v času zaprtja vrtcev med pandemijo COVID-19 : magistrsko delo
ID Godec, Janez (Author), ID Kajtna, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali problem povezanosti med pandemijo covida-19, ki nas je prizadela in delno zaustavila športno in socialno življenje, naravnanostjo staršev do športa ter reševanja posledic zaprtja vrtcev. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 180 otrok iz vrtca Pedenjped. Sicer gre pri povezanosti za zelo nizke korelacijske koeficiente, vendar statistični podatki največkrat pri družbenih spremembah niso zanesljivi, ker ne vključujejo psiholoških in človeških elementov. Podatke o gibalnih aktivnostih otrok in staršev smo pridobili iz rezultatov ankete, ki smo jo posredovali staršem otrok. Zbrani podatki so bili obdelani s statističnim paketom IBM SPSS Statistics. V raziskavi smo raziskovali, ali so bile družine, ki prebivajo v podeželskem okolju, med zaprtjem vrtcev bolj gibalno aktivne; rezultati so pokazali, da obstaja zelo malo statistično pomembnih razlik med podeželskimi in meščanskimi starši. Nadalje smo ugotavljali, ali so bili starejši vrtčevski otroci bolj gibalno dejavni kot mlajši. Tudi tu je statistična razlika zelo majhna, zato smo ugotovili, da starost otroka ne pomeni velike razlike. Rezultati ankete so pokazali tudi, da na količino gibanja otrok ni bistveno vplivalo to, ali so pred zaprtjem vrtcev obiskovali popoldanske športne dejavnosti ali če so imeli oba starša doma, ne na delu. Pri obdelavi podatkov smo prišli do rezultata, da je športni način življenja staršev, ki z zgledom, voljo in ljubeznijo do gibanja vzgajajo otroka, pomemben faktor pri spremembah, kakršne so pandemije ali druga nenaravna stanja, saj so otroci pri konstantnem gibanju bolj fizično in psihično vzdržljivi.

Keywords:gibalni razvoj otroka, gibalna dejavnost, družina, zaprtje vrtca, posledice covid-19
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134197 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:97722883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Movement activity of families with pre-school children during the closure of kindergartens during the covid-19 pandemic
In the master's thesis, we examined the problem of the connection between the covid-19 pandemic, which affected us and partially stopped sports and social life, the parents' attitude towards sports and solving the consequences of closed kindergartens. The study included 180 kindergarten children from the Pedenjped kindergarten. The correlation coefficients are very low, but the statistical data are mostly unreliable in social changes, because they do not include psychological and human elements. The data on physical activity of children and parents were obtained from the results of a survey, sent to the parents of the children. The collected data were processed with the IBM SPSS Statistics. In the study, we investigated whether families living in rural areas were more physically active during the closure of kindergarten; the results showed that there are few statistically significant differences between the rural and urban parents. We further determined whether older kindergarten children were more physically active than younger ones. The statistical difference is very small, so we found that the age of the child does not influence a lot on physical activity. The results of the survey also showed that the amount of movement of children was not significantly affected by whether they attended afternoon sports activities before closing kindergartens or if they had both parents at home and not at work. In processing the data, we concluded that the sports lifestyle of parents who raise a child with role-modelling, will and love for movement is an important factor in changes such as pandemics or other unnatural conditions, as children are more physically and mentally endurable.

Keywords:child motor development, physical activity, family, kindergarten closure, consequences of covid-19

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