
Primerjava količine in kakovosti pridelka bučk (Cucurbita pepo L.) pridelanih na opori ali brez
ID Pucelj, Gašper (Author), ID Slatnar, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poskus smo izvedli z namenom, da bi ugotovili, kako različen način pridelave (z oporo ali brez) bučk vpliva na kakovost in količino pridelka. Poskus je potekal od 9. marca 2020, ko smo posejali semena v gojitvene plošče, do 24. julija v steklenjaku in plastenjaku na Laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. V poskus smo vključili tri sorte bučk ('Cigal F1', ki ne potrebuje opore ter sorti 'Ola Escaladora' in 'Black Forest F1', ki potrebujeta oporo). Rezultati poskusa so pokazali, da smo značilno največji pridelek na m2 imeli pri sorti 'Cigal F1' (4,81 kg) in sorti 'Black Forest F1' (4,75 kg), najmanjši pridelek pa je bil pri sorti 'Ola Escaladora' (0,99 kg). Če to pretvorimo v hektarski pridelek, ugotovimo, da od sorte 'Cigal F1' lahko pričakujemo približno 48,1 t/ha. Povprečna masa tržnih plodov je bila od 178,55 g ('Ola Escaladora') do 302,50 g ('Black Forest F1'). Sorta 'Cigal F1' je v povprečju na rastlino razvila največ tržnih plodov (3,7 plodov/rastlino), sledi ji sorta 'Black Forest F1' (3,6 plodov/rastlino), pri sorti 'Ola Escaladora' pa le 1,2 plodov na rastlino. Analiza barve kožice kaže, da so plodovi sorte 'Ola Escaladora' na videz temnejše zelene barve in brez leska v primerjavi z ostalima dvema sortama. Pri meritvah trdote ploda s kožico in brez nje, smo dobili rezultate, ki nakazujejo, da ima sorta 'Ola Escaladora' nekoliko trši plod od ostalih dveh sort, kar se odraža tudi pri meritvah vsebnosti topnih suhih snovi, ki jih ima prav tako več sorta 'Ola Escaladora'. Meritve premera placente nakazujejo, da ima največji premer sorta 'Black Forest F1' in sicer 35,12 mm, medtem ko 'Cigal F1' in 'Ola Escaladora' dosegajo malo več kot 28 mm. V širini mezokarpa so si sorte izjemno podobne, saj so pri vseh vrednosti okrog 7 mm. S pridobljenih rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da je količina in kakovost pridelka pri sortah 'Cigal F1' in 'Black Forest F1' zelo podobna in bi bili potrebni dodatni poskusi, medtem ko se sorta 'Ola Escaladora' ni izkazala primerna za tržno pridelavo.

Keywords:vrtnarstvo, bučka, Cucurbita pepo, opore za rastline, količina pridelka, kakovost pridelka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Pucelj]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134196 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:91163139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of quantity and quality of production of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) produced with or without support
The aim of our experiment was to find out how different cultivation methods for summer squash (with or without plant support) affect the quality and quantity of the yield. The experiment took place from 9 March 2020, when seeds were sow in plug trays, to 24 July 2020 in a glasshouse and plastic greenhouse on Laboratory field at Biotehnical Faculty in Ljubljana. We used three summer squash cultivars ('Cigal F1', which does not require support and cultivars 'Ola Escaladora' and 'Black Forest F1' which require support). The results of the experiment showed that significantly the highest yield per m2 was obtaine with the cultivars 'Cigal F1' (4,81 kg) and 'Black Forest F1' (4,75 kg), and the lowest yield was with the cultivar 'Ola Escaladora' (0,99 kg). If we convert this into yield per hectare, 48,1 t/ha can be expected from the 'Cigal F1' cultivar. The average weight of marketable fruits ranged from 178,55 g ('Ola Escaladora') to 302,50 g (Black Forest F1'). On average, the 'Cigal F1' cultivar produced the highest quantity of marketable fruits per plant (3,7), followed by cultivar 'Black Forest F1' (3,6) and the cultivar 'Ola Escaladora' with only 1,2 fruits per plant. The analysis of skin color showed, that fruits of cultivar 'Ola Escaladora' appeared darker and was not as shiny as the fruits of other two cultivars. The results of hardness measurments showed that the cultivar 'Ola Escaladora' has slightly harder fruits than the other two cultivars, which is also reflected in the measurements of soluble solids, which is also higher in 'Ola Escaldora' than in the other two cultivars. Endocarp diameter of fruits of the cultivar 'Black Forest F1' averaged 35,12 mm, while the other two cultivars averaged slightly more than 28 mm. When measuring the width of mesocarps, all three cultivars are very similar with a value of about 7 mm. From the results obtained, we can conclude that the quantity and quality of yield of cultivars 'Cigal F1' and 'Black Forest F1' are very similar and further experiments would be required to determine the matter more accurately. The cultivar 'Ola Escaladora' is not suitable as potential variety for commercial cultivation.

Keywords:vegetable growing, zucchini, Cucurbita pepo, plant support, yield quantity, yield quality

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