This thesis describes a workflow for point cloud 3D modeling of a chapel in Jurklošter charterhouse. Data acquisition, along with preliminary processing is described (point cloud registration and georeferencing), as well as data preparation for import to AutoCAD with installed UNDET plugin. Modeling workflow is presented, focusing on detailed explanation of complex details modeling, such as gothic window and vaulted ceiling. An option of creating and implementing meshes is explored. Modeling of the chapel has been successfully performed, as the model contains all important features and successful mesh integration. A workflow for integrating mesh surface model into the AutoCAS and SketchUp programs has been developed. Advantages and disadvantages of point clouds, acquired with Leica BLK360 and Leica MS50, have been analysed. 3D modeling from point cloud with chosen software has proved to be time consuming and hard to learn, especially if a person who is working on these tasks has no previous experience with 3D modeling in AutoCAD software.