
Higrotermalni odziv stavbnega ovoja na pojav plesni v dvostanovanjskem objektu : magistrsko delo
ID Gruden, Filip (Author), ID Dovjak, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hozjan, Tomaž (Comentor)

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Pojav in rast plesni v notranjem okolju je razširjen problem, ki negativno vpliva na zdravje, ter povzroči poškodbe na objektu. Pogosto je problematika rasti gliv v notranjem okolju povezana z razmerami v notranjem in zunanjem okolju ter značilnostmi stavbnega ovoja, ki so v medsebojni povezavi. Zato smo v okviru magistrske naloge na podlagi eksperimentalnih meritev mikroklimatskih razmer izvedli parametrične analize vplivov notranjega okolja na pojav rasti plesni. Pri tem smo uporabili več različnih numeričnih in analitičnih modelov (VTT, Sedlbauer, Hens, ESP-r), s katerimi smo ocenili nevarnost pojava in rasti plesni. Rezultate analiz smo uporabili za medsebojno primerjavo in kritično oceno uporabnosti posameznih modelov rasti plesni. Na koncu so podani tudi predlogi izboljšav za preprečevanje pojava plesni v notranjem okolju. Za najbolj zanesljiva modela sta se izkazala VTT in Sedlbauer modela, medtem ko modela Hens in ESP-r nista vrnila zadovoljivih rezultatov. V standardu SIST EN ISO 13788:2013 definiran fRsi faktor ne zagotavlja potrebne varnosti pred pojavom plesni. Na pojav in rast plesni poleg toplotne prehodnosti konstrukcijskega pasu najbolj vplivata notranja temperatura in vlažnost zraka.

Keywords:Plesen, higrotermalni odziv, modeli rasti plesni
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[F. Gruden]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134148 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:92489475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Hygrothermal response and mould growth in a two-apartment building : master thesis
The appearance and growth of mould in the indoor environment is a widespread problem that negatively affects health and causes damage to the facility. Often, the problem of fungal growth in the indoor environment is related to indoor and outdoor conditions and the characteristics of the building envelope, which are interrelated. Therefore, as part of the master's thesis, we performed parametric analyses of the influences of the internal environment on the phenomenon of mould growth on the basis of experimental measurements of microclimatic conditions. We used several different numerical and analytical models (VTT, Sedlbauer, Hens, ESP-r) to assess the risk of mould occurrence and growth. The results of the analyses were used for mutual comparison and critical evaluation of the applicability of individual tools and models of mould growth. Finally, suggestions for improvements to prevent the appearance and growth of mould in the indoor environment are also given. The VTT and Sedlbauer models proved to be the most reliable models, while the Hens and ESP-r models did not return satisfactory results. The fRsi factor defined in the standard SIST EN ISO 13788:2013 does not provide the necessary safety against appearance of mould. In addition to the thermal transmittance of the building assembly, are most influenced by the internal temperature and internal humidity.

Keywords:Mould, Hygrothermal response, mould prediction models

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