
Vpliv učiteljevega interpretativnega branja na bralno motivacijo učencev 1., 3. in 5. razreda osnovne šole
ID Stopinšek, Ines (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Interpretacija umetnostnega besedila je osrednja metoda pouka književnosti, ki je sestavljena iz več faz. Ena izmed faz je tudi učiteljevo glasno interpretativno branje v razredu. Je zahtevna oblika govorne dejavnosti učitelja, ki skozi lastno doživljanje literarnega besedila spodbuja učence k individualnemu doživljanju ter h komunikaciji z besedilom. Učitelj v tem primeru služi kot bralni model, ki motivira učence za branje literature. Takšen učinek lahko učitelj doseže le s kakovostno govorno izvedbo, ki ni rezultat improvizacije, ampak temeljite priprave izdelane na osnovi znanja. Pomembno je, da so učitelji dovolj izobraženi za kakovostno izvajanje interpretativnega branja. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili branje, bralno motivacijo, sodobno načrtovanje pouka književnosti, interpretacijo umetnostnega besedila in interpretativno branje. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo spletnih anketnih vprašalnikov za učitelje in učence raziskali vpliv učiteljevega interpretativnega branja na bralno motivacijo učencev 1., 3. in 5. razreda. Osredinili smo se na pomembnost, pogostost in kakovost izvajanja interpretativnega branja. Raziskava je kvantitativna, vzorec pa neslučajnostni in namenski. Vanj je bilo vključenih 118 učiteljev in 113 učencev 1., 3. in 5. razreda osnovne šole v šolskem letu 2020/21. Učitelji in učenci so prihajali iz različnih osnovnih šol po Sloveniji. Iz analize rezultatov je razvidno, da učitelji z interpretativnim branjem motivirajo učence za branje. Ugotovili smo prav tako, da imajo učitelji slabše znanje o tovrstnem branju in njegovi pripravi nanj. Z dobljenimi podatki smo prispevali k temu, da bodo učitelji razrednega pouka in vsi ostali ozaveščeni o stanju interpretativnega branja pri pouku, pa tudi motivirani k pogostejšemu, kakovostnemu interpretativnemu branju v razredu ter povečanju bralne motivacije učencev.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-134115 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID: 90582787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of the teacher's interpretative reading on the reading motivation of 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade elementary school students
The interpretation of a literary text is a key method in teaching literature. It is comprised of multiple phases, one of which is the teacher’s interpretative reading aloud in class. This is a complex speech act, during which the teacher’s own interpretation of the text encourages the students to interpret and communicate with the text themselves. In this case, the teacher takes on the role of a reading model, motivating the students to read literature. This can only be achieved by the teacher’s high-quality speaking skill, which cannot be a result of improvisation but rather of a meticulous, knowledge-based pre-class preparation. Thus, it is of crucial importance that the teachers acquire sufficient knowledge and receive enough training on how to deliver a high-quality interpretative reading in class. The theoretical part of this master’s thesis defines the act of reading, reading motivation, modern class planning, the interpretation of a literary text, and interpretative reading. The empirical part explores what effects the teacher’s interpretative reading has on the students’ reading motivation. To measure this, online questionnaires were distributed to first, second and fifth-grade students and their teachers. The main focus was on the importance of interpretative reading in class as well as its frequency and quality. The study was quantitative. The sample used was non-probable and purposive. It included 113 students and 118 teachers on the primary education level, namely grades 1, 3 and 5 of the Slovene education system, enrolled in class in the 2020/21 school year. The respondents study or work at various Slovene primary schools. The results show that teachers use interpretative reading as a means of motivating their students. However, they also exhibited a lack of knowledge on interpretative reading aloud in class and on how to prepare for it. The findings of this master’s thesis help raise awareness on the status of interpretative reading in class as a teaching method. They will thus aid teachers and other educational workers, as well as increase the frequency and the quality of interpretive reading in class and improve the students’ reading motivation.


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