The main purpose of the master's thesis was to present some of the unilateral strength exercises suitable for handball, based on basic movement patterns. The more common method of executing strength exercises is probably bilateral method, where both limbs are used at the same time for peforming a movement. However, lately the conditioning coaches also include more and more unilateral exercises, where the movement is performed with only one limb. In strength training, it makes sense to use unilateral exercises, as the generation of force in sports activities is usually one-legged or one-handed. Unilateral movements also predominate in handball, as the most basic and specific activities begin and end with an explosive ballistic movement with one, mostly dominant limb, which can affect the formation of assymmetries and thereby increase the risk of acute and chronic injuries. In the first part we presented the main characteristics of unilateral strength training and handball game, based on the read literature. In the second part, we described the basic movement patterns on the upper and lower body, which also appear during the handball game. Based on these movement patterns, we presented examples of body weight unilateral strength exercises and those with various loads such as elastic bands, kettle bells, dumbells etc. The presented unilateral exercises follow in a logical sequence from the easier versions, where there is a larger support area or those with the use of more simple or more stable loads, to more demanding versions, where there is less stable position or more demanding and less stable loads. In handball, the players have different roles and play on different playing positions, which results in different on-court strength demands, which we described in the last part. Based on these, we suggested examples of unilateral exercises suitable for different playing positions which can help them improve their competitive efficiency.