
Načrtovanje prehranskega objekta z vidika varnosti živil in gradbeno-tehničnega vidika : magistrsko delo
ID Perčič, Ines (Author), ID Ovca, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dovjak, Mateja (Comentor), ID Jevšnik Podlesnik, Mojca (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Pri prehranskih objektih je z vidika preprečevanja in obvladovanja bolezni ter krepitve zdravja pomembno, da se v njih vzpostavi in izvaja ustrezen higienski režim, ki poleg ustrezno usposobljenih zaposlenih temelji na izpolnjevanju splošnih in posebnih higiensko-tehničnih pogojev za objekt, prostore in opremo. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je bil pripraviti strokovna izhodišča in priporočila za načrtovanje in izvedbo procesa graditve prehranskega objekta po posameznih fazah in korakih, ki si hierarhično sledijo. Metode dela: Uporabljena metoda v magistrskem delu je bila študija primera, kjer smo na teoretičnem primeru prehranskega objekta predvideli proces njegovega načrtovanja. Izdelava magistrskega dela je potekala v več korakih. Po pregledu strokovne in znanstvene literature ter na podlagi priporočil različnih smernic smo izdelali priporočila za načrtovanje prehranskega objekta. Rezultati: Pri načrtovanju prehranskega objekta je preprečevanje navzkrižnega onesnaženja osnovno načelo. Proces načrtovanja takšnega objekta je timsko delo. Na zahteve glede finalne izvedbe sten, tal in stropov vpliva tudi delovni proces, ki poteka v prostorih prehranskega objekta. Graditev prehranskega objekta v našem primeru zajema tri faze: načrtovanje, gradnja, uporaba in vzdrževanje. Verigo načrtovanja stavb in sistemov predstavljajo investitor, projektant, nadzornik in izvajalec. Proces prenove na izbranem primeru je po oceni vodje potekal v sledečih fazah: načrtovanje, projektiranje, gradnja. Sanitarni inženir je bil na izbranem primeru v največji meri vključen v prvi fazi, tj. načrtovanje. Razprava in zaključek: Eden izmed prvih korakov pri načrtovanju tovrstnega objekta je, da definiramo oziroma določimo namembnost, zmogljivost, logistično izvedbo, velikost prostora in vrsto prehranskega objekta. Sistematično načrtovanje prehranskega objekta z upoštevanjem uporabnosti, funkcionalnosti in namembnosti je pomembno zaradi sprememb v procesu načrtovanja, zagotavljanja zdravja in varnosti uporabnikov ter okolja. Sanitarni inženir se je v fazi načrtovanja na primeru prenove izkazal kot pomemben vezni člen med vsemi vpletenimi akterji.

Keywords:diplomska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo, integralno načrtovanje, gradnja, prehranski objekti, varnost živil, funkcionalnost, uporabnost, namembnost, varnost, zdravje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Perčič]
Number of pages:59 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133665 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:88335363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Planning the food facility from the food safety and constructional-technical point of view : master thesis
Introduction: In the case of food facilities, it is important that an appropriate hygiene regimen is established and implemented from the point of view of disease prevention, control and health promotion. In addition to properly trained employees, that hygiene regimen depends on meeting general and special hygiene conditions for facilities, space and equipment. Purpose: The purpose of this master's thesis was to prepare expert starting points and recommendations for planning as well as carrying out the construction of a food facility by individual phases and steps, arranged in a hierarchical order. Methods: The method used in the master's thesis was a case study, in which we predicted the planning process of a food facility using a theoretical example. The making of the master's thesis took place in several steps. After consulting professional and scientific literature and taking into account the recommendations from various guidelines, we prepared guidelines for the plan of the food facility. Results: The basic principle to be followed when planning a food facility is the prevention of cross-contamination. The planning process of such a facility requires teamwork. The working process that takes place in the food facility also affects the requirements regarding the final plan of the walls, floors and ceilings. In our case, the construction of the food facility consisted of three stages: planning, construction, use and maintenance. The investor, designer, supervisor and contractor represent the chain that is responsible for the planning and the construction of the facility and its systems. According to the supervisor, the renovation process took place in the following phases: planning, design and construction. In the selected case, the sanitary engineer was mostly involved in the first phase, i.e. planning. Discussion and conclusion: One of the first steps when planning such a facility is determining the purpose, capacity size and type of the food facility as well as the implementation of logistics. Systematic planning, which takes into account the facility’s usability, functionality and purpose, is important because of the possible changes in the planning process as well as for ensuring the health and safety of users and the environment. In the planning phase, the sanitary engineer proved to be an important link between all the parties involved in the renovation process.

Keywords:diploma theses, sanitary engineering, integrated planning, construction, food facilities, food safety, functionality, usability, purpose, safety, health

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