
The Impact of Social Media on the Production and Consumption of Flash Fiction
ID Poljak, Andrejka (Author), ID Krevel, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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The development of an abundance of social networks has gradually led to their immense popularity, and the number of social platform users is growing every year. Social networks have fundamentally changed the process of interpersonal communication, as they have changed the way people, i.e. social platforms’ users, establish and maintain social interactions and relationships. Social networks do not only affect the social sphere but have changed many other areas of everyday life, including the production and consumption of literary works, specifically flash fiction. Social networks have thus primarily made the access to the consumption of flash fiction works easier, for they are now available to social platform users without further restrictions. They have also facilitated and shortened the production process of very short literary works, as users can publish their (and other people’s) original works without the help of others, i.e. a publisher or a publishing house. In addition, social networks have likewise influenced the form and the prevailing themes of flash fiction and transformed the author-reader relationship, since the latter is now more of a friendly one.

Keywords:flash fiction, social media, form, theme, author-reader relationship
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.12.2021
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Title:Vpliv družbenih omrežij na produkcijo in potrošnjo zelo kratke fikcije
Razvoj mnoštva družbenih omrežij je postopoma privedel do velike mere popularnosti le-teh, saj število uporabnikov družbenih platform iz leta v leto narašča. Družbena omrežja so temeljito spremenila proces medosebne komunikacije, saj so predrugačila način kako ljudje, tj. uporabniki družbenih platform, vzpostavljajo in ohranjajo socialne interakcije ter odnose. Seveda družbena omrežja niso vplivala le na sfero družbenosti, saj so spremenila številna druga področja vsakdanjega življenja, med drugim tudi produkcijo in potrošnjo književnih del, natančneje zelo kratke fikcije. Družbena omrežja so tako v prvi vrsti poenostavila dostop do potrošnje del zelo kratke fikcije, saj so le-ta sedaj na voljo vsem uporabnikom družbenih platform brez dodatnih omejitev. Prav tako so olajšala in časovno skrajšala tudi proces produkcije zelo kratkih književnih del, saj lahko uporabniki svoja (in tuja) avtorska dela objavijo brez pomoči druge osebe, tj. založnika oziroma založbe. Poleg omenjenih sprememb so družbena omrežja vplivala tudi na obliko in prevladujoče teme zelo kratke fikcije, seveda pa so preoblikovala tudi odnos med avtorjem in bralcem, saj je le-ta postal bolj podoben prijateljskemu.

Keywords:zelo kratka fikcija, družbena omrežja, oblika, tema, odnos med avtorjem in bralcem

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