
Ustvarjalnost otrok ob poslušanju ljudske pesniške zbirke Enci benci na kamenci
ID Razpotnik, Helena (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7038/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomski nalogi sem obravnavala mladinsko književnost kot del slovenskega ljudskega izročila in predstavila nekatere vidnejše zbiratelje ljudskega izročila pri nas. V teoretičnem delu sem se posvetila otroški poeziji in slovenskemu ljudskemu pesništvu ter podrobneje obravnavala slovensko otroško ljudsko poezijo. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge sem skupaj z otroki raziskovala njihovo literarnoestetsko doživljanje otroških ljudskih pesmic, zbranih v humorni antologiji Enci benci na kamenci (1990, 1998, 2007, 2018, 2020) avtorja Romana Gašperina. Pet pesmi sem klasificirala po Karlu Štreklju (1908), in sicer sem iz vsake zbirke Enci benci na kamenci (1990,…) izbrala po eno pesem in jo ustrezno umestila v kategorijo. Dobila sem pet kategorij: šaljivka, zbadljivka, pesem o živali, izštevanka in pesem o hrani. Uporabila sem kvalitativno raziskavo in razumevanje otrok besedil pesmic kritično ovrednotila s pomočjo analize njihovih odgovor na delno strukturirana vprašanja o posamezni pesmi. Intervjuje sem izvedla skupinsko in njihove odgovore posnela s pomočjo telefona, katerim je kasneje sledil dobesedni prepis. Na podlagi njihovih doživljanj besedil smo izvedli pet poustvarjalnih dejavnosti, ki so izhajale izključno iz njihovih idej in so bile umetniške narave. Otroci so prosto izbirali med različnimi materiali in predmeti, s katerimi so poustavrili pesmi. V vzorec raziskave so bile vključene tri deklice in dva dečka, v starostnem razponu med štiri in pet let. Otroci so bili iz istega starostnega oddelka. S pomočjo raziskave sem ugotovila, da se otroci pozitvno odzivajo na otroške ljudske pesmi, tj. izražajo občutke kot so veselje, žalost, začudenje, nenavadnost, ipd. Svoja doživetja pa uspešno manifestirajo preko poustvarjalnih dejavnosti, ki se prepletajo z vsemi področji Kurikuluma za vrtce.

Keywords:ljudska pesem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133379 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID: 86195971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Creativity of children expressed after listening to folk songs from the collection Enci benci na kamenci
In my thesis, I explored youth literature as part of the Slovenian folk tradition and presented some of the most prominent collectors of folk tradition in our country. In the theoretical part, I concentrated on children's poetry and Slovenian folk poetry and addressed Slovenian children's folk poetry in more detail. In the empirical part of the thesis, I involved children in the exploration of their literary aesthetic experiences of children's folk songs collected in the humorous anthology Enci benci na kamenci (1990, 1998, 2007, 2018, 2020) by Roman Gašperno. I classified five poems according to Karel Štrekelj (1908) by selecting one poem from each collection of Enci benci na kamenci (1990, ...) and placing it in the appropriate category. I obtained five categories: humorous song, teasing song, song about animals, counting-out rhyme, and song about food. I used qualitative research and critically evaluated the children’s understanding of song lyrics by analysing their response to partially structured questions about each song. I conducted group interviews, recorded their answers on the telephone and transcribed them. Based on their experience of the texts, we carried out five performing activities that were based exclusively on their ideas and were artistic in nature. The children were free to choose from a variety of materials and objects to perform the songs. Three girls and two boys, ranging in age from four to five years, were included in the research sample. The children were from the same age grouping. Using the research, I found that children respond positively to children's folk songs, i.e. they express feelings such as joy, sadness, amazement, oddity, etc. They successfully manifest their experiences through performing activities, which are intertwined with all fields of the Kindergarten Curriculum.

Keywords:folk song

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