
Izhodni intervju kot spregledano orodje v kadrovskih procesih : magistrsko delo
ID Ipavec, Mojca (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Trg dela se zaradi hitrega tehnološkega napredka, družbenih, demografskih in okolskih sprememb neprestano in bliskovito spreminja. Korenito ga je preoblikovala tudi epidemija koronavirusa, ki je v začetku leta 2020 zajela cel svet in od delodajalcev zahtevala, da čez noč spremenijo in prilagodijo delovne procese, ki se sicer v normalnih razmerah navadno redefinirajo veliko dlje. Prav zaradi nenehnih sprememb in nestabilnosti podjetja svoje kadrovske procese organizirajo celostno z natančnim definiranjem zaposlitvenih ciklov svojih sodelavcev. Ti temeljijo na strateško premišljenih, učinkovito izvedenih in natančno analiziranih pristopih. Zaključna faza oz. izhod zaposlenega iz organizacije pa je znotraj kadrovskih sistemov pogosto spregledana oz. površno izvedena praksa. V magistrski nalogi sem se zato posvetila raziskovanju izhodnih procesov, v katerih ima pomembno vlogo tudi kadrovsko orodje – izhodni intervju. S pomočjo sekundarne analize znanstvenih virov sem preučila zaključno fazo zaposlitve posameznika in raziskala prakse na področju izvajanja izhodnih intervjujev. Nadalje sem v empiričnem delu orodje izhodnih intervjujev postavila v prakso in intervjuvala sedem nekdanjih zaposlenih v podjetju Kadrovske storitve, d.o.o. ter njihovo vodjo HR-operacij. Iskala sem prednosti in slabosti uporabe izhodnih intervjujev za posameznike in podjetja ter odkrivala smernice za njihovo učinkovito izvajanje. Ugotovila sem, da lahko strateško zastavljeni izhodni intervjuji, čeprav so v kadrovskem svetu pogosto dojeti kot nujno zlo brez prave vrednosti, organizacijam omogočajo hitrejše in bolj učinkovite spremembe ter izboljšave na področjih, kjer so te zares pomembne.

Keywords:izhodni intervju, odpoved, izhod iz organizacije, kadrovska orodja in strategije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Ipavec]
Number of pages:114 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133359 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:89666307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Exit interview as an overlooked tool in HR processes
Due to rapid technological, social, demographic, and environmental changes, the labor market is undergoing constant transformations and adjustments. It has also been radically reshaped with the coronavirus epidemic, which hit the world in early 2020 and required employers to change and adapt work processes overnight. Taking into consideration all possible changes and instabilities, companies are beginning to organize their HR processes holistically by precisely defining the employment cycles of their employees. These are based on strategically thought-out, effectively implemented, and carefully analyzed approaches. The final phase or the exit of an employee from the organization is often overlooked or superficially performed practice. In my master’s thesis, I, therefore, researched exit processes of employees with the main focus on the often neglected tool - exit interviews. Through secondary analysis of scientific sources, I examined the final stages of an individual’s employment in detail and researched different practices and approaches in conducting exit interviews. Furthermore, in the empirical part, I tested exit interviews in practice and interviewed seven former employees of the company Kadrovske storitve, d.o.o. and their HR operations manager. I searched for the advantages and disadvantages of using exit interviews and discovered guidelines for their effective implementation. Preparing master’s thesis led me to the conclusion that strategically planned exit interviews, although often perceived in the HR world as a tool with no real value, can allow organizations to change faster and make improvements in areas where change is necessary.

Keywords:exit interview, resigning, employee offboarding, HR tools and strategies

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