
Oblike artikulacije likovne realnosti skozi kolaž in asemblaž / Oblike artikulacije likovne realnosti skozi kolaž in asemblaž
ID Sever, Tonček (Author), ID Stančič, Zora (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stanič, Tomo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B6EB8A5CFB9F9AD5447E9C5B8C84E9D7

V magistrski nalogi sem raziskoval svoj umetniški pristop skozi lastna umetniška dela, referenčne točke v umetnosti in teoriji. Zanimajo me grafika, interakcija grafike, risbe, ploskev in prostora. Grafične tehnike narekujejo proces ustvarjanja in premislek o podobi, ki se preko stika z matrico odtisne na nosilec podobe in jo je možno reproducirati. Kolaž in asemblaž sta v mojih delih ključni izrazni strategiji, ker mi omogočata ustvariti umetniška dela s sestavljanjem iz različnih materialov in oblik, ki v sopostavitvi oblikujejo novo umetniško delo. Hkrati omogočata povezovanje in prehajanje iz enega v drug medij. Grafiko poskušam povezati s kiparskim principom dela, kolaže dopolnjujem z asemblaži. Preizprašujem pozicijo grafike z drugimi načini ustvarjanja; kako se prepletata ustvarjanje na dvodimenzionalnem nosilcu in ustvarjanje v prostoru. V kolažih govorim o razmerju med predmetnim in ploskovitim objektom, dejanskostjo in iluzijo. Ustvarjam s plastenjem na dvodimenzionalnem nosilcu in plastenjem realnih materialov v prostoru. Pri iskanju ustreznih strategij želim združiti posamezne oblikovne in likovne rešitve na področju grafike, kolaža in asemblaža.

Keywords:slikarstvo, grafika, kubizem, kolaž, asemblaž, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133342 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2021
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Title:Forms of articulation of artistic reality through collage and assembly / Forms of articulation of artistic reality through collage and assembly
In my master’s thesis, I explored my artistic approach through independent works of art, reference points in art and theory. My primary interest is printmaking, and the interaction of prints, drawings, surfaces and space. Printmaking techniques dictate the process of creation and consideration of the image, which is imprinted on the image carrier through contact with the matrix and can be reproduced. Collage and assemblage are key expressive strategies in my works because they allow me to create works of art by assembling various materials and shapes, that in juxtaposition form a new work of art. At the same time, they enable connection and transition from one medium to another. I try to interweave printmaking with the sculptural principle of work, I complement collages with assemblages. I question the position of printmaking with other ways of creating; how a two-dimensional medium and creation in space will connect. With collages, I explore the relationship between an object and the flat object, reality, and illusion. I create by layering on a two-dimensional support and layering concrete materials in space. In search of appropriate strategies, I want to combine individual forms and art solutions of printmaking, collage and assemblage.

Keywords:painting, printmaking, cubism, collage, assemblage, MA thesis

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