
Opis naravnega vibracijskega okolja v habitatu škržatkov iz rodu Aphrodes in vpliv biotskega šuma na njihovo sporazumevanje : doktorska disertacija
ID Šturm, Rok (Author), ID Virant Doberlet, Meta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Opisali smo naravno vibracijsko okolje škržatkov iz rodu Aphrodes, ki živijo v travniškem habitatu. Vibracijska krajina na travniku se je pokazala kot nizko-frekvenčno okolje, v katerem šibek veter povzroča stalen abiotski vibracijski šum. Vibracijski dogodki, ki so posledica aktivnosti biološke komponente vibracijske krajine, iz tega abiotskega šuma izstopajo predvsem po frekvenci. Vibracijska krajina, ki smo jo registrirali na travniku, se je tekom sezone od maja do oktobra razlikovala tako po abundanci (oz. časovni zasedenosti) kot po sestavi (oz. tipih vibracijskih signalov, ki smo jih registrirali). Pestrost signalov v določenem dnevu ni bila povezana z abundanco. Tekom sezone smo registrirali 56 različnih tipov signalov, vendar akumulacijske krivulje kažejo, da je bila diverziteta signalov po vsej verjetnosti večja, kot smo jo lahko zaznali z našim časovno omejenim terenskim vzorčenjem. Aktivnost vibracijske združbe je bila najvišja v sredini dneva in popoldne ter najnižja ponoči. Dnevno-nočne razlike v aktivnosti vibracijske združbe, so povezane s temperaturo okolja. S stališča sprejemnika, je travniška vibracijska krajina pestra, tako zaradi velikega števila različnih signalov kot tudi zaradi njihove fluktuacije in s tem hitrega speminjanja sestave vibracijske krajine. Prekrivanje vibracijskih signalov je bilo značilno manjše, kot če bi se vibracijski signali v vibracijski krajini pojavljali naključno. Člani raziskovane travniške vibracijske združbe se medsebojnemu motenju izogibajo z razdelitvijo vibracijskega komunikacijskega prostora v času tako, da se izmenjujejo v oddajanju signalov.

Keywords:biotremologija, vibracijska komunikacija, Aphrodes, vibracijski signali, šum, duet, vibracijska krajina
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133264 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:87435011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Description of natural vibroscape in the habitat of Aphrodes leafhoppers and the effect of biotic noise on their communication : doctoral dissertation
We described the natural vibrational environment (i.e. vibroscape) of Aphrodes leafhoppers living in a meadow habitat. Meadow vibroscape was a low-frequency environment where wind of low velocity induced in plants nearly constant abiotic vibrational noise. Vibrational events originating from biological sources stood out from abiotic noise primarily in frequency domain. The vibroscape composition was changing throughout the season from May till October in the signal richness (number of different types of vibrationals) as well as in signal abundance (cummulative duration of vibrational signals). Time occupancy of vibrational communication channel was not correlated with signal richness registred on that day. Throughout the season we registered 56 different types of vibrational signal; however, signal accumulation curves suggest that signal diversity was most likely higher than revealed by our time-limited field recordings. The signalling activity of vibrational community was highest in the middle of the day and in the afternoon and lowest during the night. Such dial pattern of vibrational activity is regulated by temperature. From the perspective of a receiver, the meadow vibroscape is a complex and dynamic environment, rich in species-specific vibrational signals and characterized by their high turnover. The overlap of vibrational signals was significantly lower that it would by chance. The members of investigated meadow vibrational community were avoiding interference primarily by partitioning vibrational space on fine temporal scale by avoiding signalling at times with hight background biotic noise.

Keywords:biotremology, vibrational communication, Aphrodes, vibrational signal, noise, duet, vibroscape

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