
Vsakdanje življenje mladih: študija ''čefurstva'' pri potomcih priseljencev v Sloveniji : študija ''čefurstva'' pri potomcih priseljencev v Sloveniji
ID Talundžić, Sandra (Author), ID Živoder, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zavratnik, Simona (Comentor)

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Vsakdanje življenje mladih se razlikuje, a še večje razlike je opaziti med mladimi, ki so otroci staršev Slovencev in tistimi, ki so otroci priseljencev. Priseljenci iz nekdanjih držav Jugoslavije so zelo pogosto oklicani tudi kot čefurji. Ob uporabi besede čefur v družbi ne manjka predsodkov in stereotipov. Posploševanje zaradi stereotipov, ki so povezani s tem izrazom, se prepleta s ksenofobijo in stigmatizacijo, kar predstavlja družbeni problem in dodatno oviro pri integraciji v družbo. V magistrskem delu so natančneje opredeljene ovire, s katerimi se mladi potomci priseljencev iz nekdanjih držav Jugoslavije v vsakdanu srečujejo, in pogled družbe na te mladostnike. Prav tako je v magistrskem delu podrobneje razčlenjen pomen besede čefur in njena uporaba. V svoji raziskavi se osredotočam na izkušnje potomcev, ki so jih doživljali skozi odraščanje in njihovo vsakdanje življenje. Z udeleženci sem imela poglobljene polstukturirane intervjuje, kjer sem izvedela, kakšen pomen oni pripisujejo izrazu čefur, kakšne razlike so sami med odraščanjem opazili in kako je v primeru drugačnega pogleda s strani družbe ta vplival na njihovo integracijo v družbi oziroma celo oblikovanje lastne identitete.

Keywords:čefur, mladi, priseljenci, identiteta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Talundžić]
Number of pages:70 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133200 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:89623811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Everyday life of young people: a study of "čefurism" in the descendants of immigrants in Slovenia : magistrsko delo
Everyday life of young people differs, but even greater differences can be observed between young people who are children of Slovene parents and those who are children of immigrants. Immigrants from the former Yugoslav countries are also often referred to as čefurs. There is no lack of prejudices and stereotypes in society when using the word čefur. Generalization due to the stereotypes associated with this term is intertwined with xenophobia and stigmatization, which poses a social problem and an additional barrier to integration into society. The master's thesis defines in more detail the obstacles that young descendants of immigrants from the former Yugoslavia face in everyday life and what views society has on them. The meaning of the word čefur and its use are also analyzed in more detail in the master's thesis. In my research, I focus on the experiences of children of immigrant parents and what they have experienced through growing up and their daily lives. I had in-depth semi-structured interviews with the participants, where I learned what meaning they attach to the term čefur, what differences they noticed during adolescence, and how, in the case of a different view from society, it affected their integration into society or even forming their own identity

Keywords:čefur, the youth, immigrants, identity

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