
Otroci v luči spolnega kazenskega prava
ID Marinič, Primož (Author), ID Korošec, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zgaga, Sabina (Comentor)

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava vpliv kazenskopravnih dobrin, ki jih KZ-1 varuje v posameznem poglavju posebnega dela kazenskega zakonika, na posebno obravnavo otrok v devetnajstem poglavju KZ-1, ki vsebuje inkriminacije spolnih kaznivih dejanj. Kot pokazatelj, da so dobrine tiste, ki vplivajo na posebno obravnavo otrok v devetnajstem poglavju, sem primerjal dobrine iz devetnajstega poglavja z dobrinami, ki jih KZ-1 varuje v petnajstem poglavju, ki govori o inkriminaciji kaznivih dejanj zoper življenje in telo in kjer inkriminacij, ki bi se nanašale zgolj na otroke, z izjemo 119.člena KZ-1 in 120.člena KZ-1, ni. V uvodnem delu sem naredil kratek zgodovinski pregled posebne obravnave otrok v okviru spolnega prava skozi zgodovino, nato sledijo poglavje o opredelitvi kazenskopravnih dobrin ter poglavji o kazenskopravnih dobrinah, ki jih KZ-1 varuje v petnajstem in devetnajstem poglavju, pri čimer vsakemu poglavju sledi poglavje o razlogih za posebno obravnavo otrok oziroma razlogih, zakaj posebne obravnave otrok posamezno poglavje ne vsebuje. Vprašanje posebne obravnave otrok v okviru spolnega kazenskega prava je neločljivo povezano z vprašanjem instituta privolitve oškodovanca, zato sem mu namenil posebno poglavje v magistrskem diplomskem delu. Temu poglavju sledi poglavje, ki obravnava posamezne inkriminacije kaznivih dejanj zoper spolno nedotakljivost, ki inkriminirajo spolna ravnanja z otroki. V zadnjem poglavju sem namenil pozornost tudi mednarodnemu vidiku otrok v okviru spolnega kazenskega prava, pri čimer sem se osredotočil na akte, ki so jih sprejeli v Evropski Uniji, Svetu Evrope ter Organizaciji združenih narodov.

Keywords:otrok, kazenskopravne dobrine, človekovo življenje, spolna samoodločba, privolitvena sposobnost oškodovanca, mednarodni pogledi na spolna ravnanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133178 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:85121283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Children in the light of sexual criminal law
Master's thesis discusses if criminal goods that are protected in a particular chapter of the special part of the Criminal Code (KZ-1) have an impact on the special treatment of children in the nineteenth chapter of KZ-1, which contains incriminations of sexual offenses. As an indication that the goods are those that affect the special treatment of children in Chapter Nineteen, I have compared the goods from Chapter Nineteen with the goods protected in Chapter Fifteen, which contains incriminations of crimes against life and body. The thing is that with the exception of Article 119. of KZ-1 and Article 120. of KZ-1, there is no other incrimination in chapter fifteen that would specifically refer to children. In the introductory part, I made a brief historical overview of the special treatment of children in the field of sexual law throughout history, followed by a chapter on the definition of criminal goods and chapters on criminal goods protected in chapters fifteen and nineteen of the KZ-1. Mentioned chapters are both followed with a chapter on the reasons for the special treatment of children or the reasons why the individual chapter does not contain special treatment for children. The issue of special treatment of children in the framework of sexual criminal law is inextricably linked to the issue of the institute of the ability of the victim to give a valid consent and for that reason I devoted it a special chapter. Due to the importance of this institute in connection with the treatment of children in sexual criminal law, It has been devoted a special chapter in this master's thesis. This chapter is followed by a chapter dealing with individual incriminations of crimes against sexual integrity that incriminate sexual abuse of children. In the last chapter, there is also a focus on the international dimension of children in the field of sexual criminal law, focusing on acts adopted by the European Union, the Council of Europe, and the United Nations.

Keywords:child, criminal goods, human life, sexual self-determination, consent of the victim, international views on sexual conduct

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