
Najemna pogodba po zakonu o poslovnih stavbah in poslovnih prostorih
ID Petelin, Urban (Author), ID Dugar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi bom predstavil posebnosti zakonskega urejanja najemne pogodbe po Zakonu o poslovnih stavbah in poslovnih prostorih in jo vsebinsko primerjal z zakonsko ureditvijo zakupne pogodbe po Obligacijskem zakoniku. Sam ZPSPP je bil sicer z 52. členom Zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah Stanovanjskega zakona (SZ-1E) razveljavljen, vendar še vedno velja za najemna razmerja sklenjena pred razveljavitvijo. S pomočjo sodne prakse se bom skušal tudi opredeliti in vrednotiti nekatere zakonske določbe, ki so največkrat predmet nesporazumov med strankami najemne pogodbe za poslovne prostore. Še posebej se bom osredotočil na kogentne določbe, ki jih vsebuje ZPSPP, in se do njih s pomočjo sodne prakse poskušal vsebinsko odpredeliti in vrednotiti. Tekom magistrske naloge bom na nekaterih mestih vključil tudi primerjalnopravni vidik urejanja zakupnih razmerij za poslovne prostore in predstavil zakonsko urejanje iz tujih pravnih prostorov. Izbral sem si države iz področja nekdanje Jugoslavije (Hrvaška, Črna Gora in Srbija), ker prihajajo iz podobnega družbenega in pravnega okolja. Predvsem s pomočjo primerjalnopravnega vidika bom na nekaterih mestih v magistrski nalogi prikazal nekaj modernih rešitev zakonskega urejanja najema poslovnih prostorov, ker je ZPSPP po mojem mnenju nekatere dele najema poslovnih prostorov urejal nekoliko neprilagojeno trenutnemu pravnemu okolju in času, predvsem zaradi relativno visoke starosti samega ZPSPP, ki v zadnjem času ni bil deležen strukturnih sprememb ali dopolnitev. Kot je omenjeno že zgoraj se je zakonodajalec odločil ZPSPP razveljaviti brez sprejetja novega zakona, ki bi urejal materijo najema poslovnih prostorov. Od 19. junija 2021 naprej se tako za najem poslovnih prostorov uporabljajo samo splošne določbe Obligacijskega zakonika. Namen magistrske naloge je tako predvsem predstavitev in vrednotenje trenutne zakonske ureditve najema poslovnih stavb in prostorov, glede na trenutno pravno okolje in splošno urejanje zakupnih razmerij. Zaradi specifičnega predmeta najema (poslovna stavba ali poslovni prostor) bom poskusil predstaviti in vrednotiti prednosti ter slabosti posebnega zakonskega urejanja najema poslovnih prostorov, kajti najem nepremičnin v pravnem pogledu zahteva več zakonskega urejanja in usmeritev za zagotovitev pravne varnosti in enakopravnega položaja obeh strank pogodbenega razmerja. Prav zaradi nedavne razveljavitve se bo v prihodnosti lahko pojavila potreba po sklenitvi novega modernega zakona za najem poslovnih prostorov.

Keywords:Obligacijsko razmerje, najem, najemna pogodba, poslovni prostor.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133158 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Lease agreement according to the Law for commercial premises
In this master’s thesis I shall present the legislation for lease agreements concluded based on the special Law for commercial properties, and shall compare this legislation with the general legal regulation of lease agreements concluded based on the Obligations Code. Law for commercial properties was recently terminated but it still applies for lease agreements concluded before the above-mentioned termination. I shall also include the different court rulings and cases, in order to evaluate some of the legal provisions which are mostly disputed between the parties who conclude a commercial lease agreement. I shall be particularly focused on the mandatory legal provisions included in the Law for commercial properties and shall evaluate them using the relevant court cases. In the thesis, I shall also include similar legislation from foreign countries and compare it with the Law for commercial properties. I picked the countries from the former Yugoslavia (Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia) as these countries are coming from a similar social and legal environment. Especially with the above-mentioned comparison, I shall present some of the modern ways to legally regulate commercial lease agreements, as the Law for commercial properties has a relative long existence without any structural changes or amendments. As mentioned in the above paragraph, the Law for commercial premises was recently terminated without a new legislation which would legally regulate the commercial lease agreements. From 19th June 2021, commercial lease agreements are regulated only by the general Obligations Code. The purpose of this master’s thesis is therefore mostly to present and evaluate the current legislation for commercial lease agreements in Republic of Slovenia. Due to a very specific subject of the lease (commercial building or commercial space), I shall try to evaluate the need for a specific legislation and present the advantages and disadvantages of such legislation. Since the subject of the commercial lease agreement is very specific, the legislation needs to provide certain solutions in order to ensure legal safety and equality of both contractual parties. Especially due to the recent termination of the Law for commercial properties, there shall probably be a need to adopt a new and modern law which shall legally regulate commercial lease agreements in Republic of Slovenia.

Keywords:Obligations, lease, lease agreement, commercial premises.

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