
Analiza in vrednotenje portala Mrežnik
ID Podjavoršek, Neža (Author), ID Žumer, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mrežnik je spletni portal izbranih elektronskih informacijskih virov, ki so namenjeni iskanju znanstvene, strokovne in študijske literature uporabnikom Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice (NUK), uporabnikom drugih knjižnic Univerze v Ljubljani (UL) in splošni javnosti. V NUK trenutno prenavljajo spletni portal Mrežnik. Za boljše razumevanje aktualnega stanja prototipa smo izvedli dve raziskavi, pri čemer smo se omejili samo na študente in zaposlene UL. Z metodo analize uporabe smo ugotavljali trend uporabe spletnega portala Mrežnik, njegove storitve oddaljenega dostopa in informacijskih virov. Rezultati so pokazali, da delež uporabnikov knjižnic UL, CTK in NUK z leti postopoma pada, vendar za vsesplošno prelomnico pri vseh rezultatih analize predstavlja leto 2020, ki ga je zaznamovala epidemija. Z metodo ekspertne študije s pomočjo ocenjevalnega okvirja ovrednotili uporabniški vmesnik. Na podlagi ugotovitev smo oblikovali tri scenarije, s katerimi smo ugotavljali potencialne težave uporabnikov v interakciji s sistemom. Rezultati ekspertne študije kažejo na to, da Mrežnik ne vključuje pomembnih elementov spletnega portala (personalizacija, združevalno iskanje, zbiranje specifilnih statističnih podatkov in prilagoditev vmesnika osebam z okvaro vida in sluha). Ugotovitve magistrske naloge zajemajo vpogled v aktualno stanje prototipa spletnega portala Mrežnik in priporočila sprememb.

Keywords:spletni portal, uporabniški vmesniki, vrednotenje, ekspertne študije, visokošolske knjižnice, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133157 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:88170243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis and evaluation of the portal Mrežnik
Mrežnik is a web portal of selected electronic information sources intended for searching scientific, professional and study literature for users of the National and University Library (NUK), other libraries of the University of Ljubljana (UL) and the general public. The Mrežnik web portal is currently being redesigned by the NUK. To better understand the current state of the prototype, we conducted two studies and limited them to students and employees of the UL. By use analysis, we determined the trend of using the Mrežnik web portal, its remote access services and information sources. The results showed that percentage of the UL, CTK and NUK libraries users is gradually decreasing, but the year 2020 represents a general turning point in all the results of the analysis, which was marked by the epidemic. The user interface was evaluated using the expert study method. Based on the findings, we designed three scenarios to identify potential problems for users interacting with the system. The results of the expert study indicate that Mrežnik does not include important elements of the web portal (personalization, aggregation search, collection of specific statistics and adaptation of the interface to people with visual and hearing impairments). The findings of the master's thesis include an insight into the current state of the prototype of the Mrežnik web portal and recommendations for changes.

Keywords:web portal, user interface, evaluation, expert study, academic library, National and university library

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