Adapted physical activity is multidisciplinary area that is based on respecting individual differences. It argues for an active lifestyle for everyone. Adapted programme for preschool children, which also includes children with physical disabilities, represents physical activity as one of its basic areas. To ensure active participation and success, it is necessary to plan and implement physical activities for children with disabilities thoroughly and adapt them on different levels. For this purpose, Priročnik za izvajanje interesenih programov športa otrok, mladine in odraslih s posebnimi potrebami was written, which contains among others adaptations of the Mali sonček sports programme for children with special needs, also children with physical disabilities. Varied physical activities are individually adjusted to children with physical disabilities considering their physical abilities, type of physical disability and previous physical experiences. In the process, the laws of adapted physical activity must be taken into account. We have to know, how to motivate children, notice when they are tired, observe well and upgrade exercise reasonably.
In doing this research, we wanted to apply the theory to practice and test physical exercises of the Mali sonček sports programme with preschool children with physical disabilities. We wanted to find out what kind of modifications do they need and to what extent modifications from the manual suffice in implementation of physical activities with children who were being chosen for this reserach. We also wanted to guide them to upgrade their proposals. Multiple case study was carried out inside qualitative research. The case study included three preschool children with physical disabilities who attend adapted programme for preschool children.
The findings show that children need modifications when implementing physical activities in each exercise from the Mali sonček programme. Modifications enable children to implement activities at different levels of independence. From the results of the research we came to the conclusion that children need modifications of instructions, rules of the games, adapted accessories and equipment, adapted environment and planning of the physical activities. Children needed the most modifications by games like Igre brez meja and Igre z žogo, a boy also with the exercise Vožnja s poganjalčkom which cause girls least problems. The exercise Naravne oblike gibanja was adapted for the boy at least. We see the upgrade of modifications in expansion of knowledge among perfomers of the programme, in reading extra materials in the field of adapted physical activity and in close cooperation of experts.