
Medkulturne vsebine pri poučevanju angleščine in francoščine v osnovni šoli
ID Podlesek, Mateja (Author), ID Lah, Meta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8CC59DA5DAE8C6454B8196E98D4D7FD8

Magistrska naloga se ukvarja s pomembnostjo medkulturnih vsebin pri poučevanju angleščine in francoščine v osnovni šoli. Poudarja pomen in pomembnost poučevanja in učenja kulture hkrati z jezikom, saj sta ta dva pojma nerazdružljivo povezana. Jezik je veliko več, kot zgolj besedišče in slovnične strukture, saj zajema celoten sistem vrednot in kulture nekega govornega področja. To pa je za poglobljeno znanje in razumevanje jezika izrednega pomena. V magistrski nalogi najprej opredelim pojme, kot so kultura, medkulturnost in kulturna zavest ter njihovo vlogo pri poučevanju in učenju tujega jezika. V teoretičnem delu se naloga dotakne tudi dokumenta Skupni evropski jezikovni okvir (SEJO), kjer izpostavi pomembnost kulture in medkulturnosti pri učenju tujega jezika ter razišče, kaj so na tem področju prinesle spremembe dokumenta iz leta 2018. V nadaljevanju naloge je izvedena analiza dveh osnovnošolskih učbenikov za 7. razred za angleščino in dveh za francoščino z vidika medkulturnih vsebin. Predstavljene so konkretne vsebine, ki so zajete v učbenikih, naloga jih kategorizira ter ugotavlja ali spodbujajo primerjavo z izhodiščno kulturo, ali ne.

Keywords:osnovna šola, angleščina, francoščina, učbeniki, medkulturnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Intercultural content in teaching English and French in primary school
The thesis deals with the importance of intercultural content in teaching English and French in primary school. It emphasizes the significance and importance of teaching and learning culture alongside with the language, since these two concepts are inseparably connected. Language goes way beyond vocabulary and grammar structures, because it includes the entire value system of a particular speaking area, which is essential for profound knowledge and understanding of a foreign language. The first part of the thesis establishes the theoretical framework, which means that the terminology is explained and the most important concepts are presented, like culture, interculturality and cultural awareness. Further on, the thesis explores the connection between these concepts and foreign language learning and teaching. Then, the thesis presents the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), where it points out the importance of culture and interculturality in foreign language learning and explores the recent changes of the 2018 document in this field. The second, empirical part of the thesis presents some examples of primary school textbooks for English and French from the point of view of intercultural content. It presents the included topics, categorizes them and states whether the textbooks encourage the comparison with the source culture, or not.

Keywords:primary school, English language, French language, textbooks, interculturality

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