
Varovane soseske po svetu in v Sloveniji
ID Zavrtanik, Jaka (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključna seminarska naloga obravnava varovane soseske po svetu in v Sloveniji. Varovane soseske so se v svoji sodobni obliki najprej pojavile v Združenih državah Amerike, od koder so se nato razširile po celotnem svetu. V njih načeloma živijo prebivalci višjega ekonomskega sloja, ki so se za bivanje v varovanih soseskah med drugim odločili zaradi želje po bolj homogenih in samoizoliranih družbenih soseskah, zaradi zaščite pred kriminalom v mestih ter zaradi utrditve svojega socialnega statusa. Na začetku se v nalogi srečamo s teoretskim uvodom, kjer je predstavljena socialna segregacija in ostali procesi socialne preobrazbe v mestih. V jedru so nato najprej predstavljene in definirane varovane soseske, kjer se avtor dotakne glavnih razlogov za njihov pojav, predstavi tipologijo varovanih sosesk in opiše, kako so soseske zasnovane ter organizirane. Sledi pregled varovanih sosesk po posameznih celinah sveta. Na koncu pa sledi še raziskava pojava varovanih sosesk v Sloveniji in podrobnejša predstavitev štirih izbranih sosesk.

Keywords:varovane soseske, socialna segregacija, stanovanjska segregacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132901 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Gated communities around the world and in Slovenia
The thesis deals with gated communities around the world and in Slovenia. Gated communities first appeared in the United States, from where they spread over the world. People that usually live in gated communities are upper-class residents. They have chosen to live in gated communities out of a desire for more homogeneous and isolated social neighbourhoods, protection from urban crime, and consolidation of their social status. The thesis begins with a short theoretical introduction, which presents social segregation and others processes of social transformation in cities. The main part presents gated communities. Firstly, it focuses on the main reasons for their occurrence, presents the typology of gated communities, and describes how the neighbourhoods are designed and organised. This is followed by an overview of gated communities across the world. It concludes with the research of the phenomenon of gated communities in Slovenia, and with a more detailed presentation of the four selected neighbourhoods.

Keywords:gated communities, social segregation, residential segregation

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