
Ocenjevanje tveganj pri transportu in skladiščenju metanola in metanala
ID Besal, Tina (Author), ID Novosel, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Industrijske nezgode lahko onesnažijo okolje in škodijo zdravju ljudi zaradi nehotenih izpustov velike količine nevarnih snovi pri transportu in skladiščenju. Gre za dogodek, ki je ušel nadzoru bodisi zaradi okvare naprave ali cisterne, zaradi človeške napake ali pa zaradi drugih zunanjih dejavnikov. V magistrskem delu je bil velik poudarek namenjen opisu in poznavanju transporta ter skladiščenja metanola in metanala. Tako sem v uvodnem delu pregledala zakonodajo in predpise, ter postavila širok okvir obravnave varnega ravnanja z nevarnimi snovmi pri transportu in skladiščenju. Metanol in metanal sta SEVESO nevarni kemikaliji, kar pomeni, da obstaja večje tveganje za takšne nezgode. Metanol je vnetljiva tekočina in akutno toksična kemikalija. Metanal je prav tako akutno toksična kemikalija, še posebej pa je rakotvoren in mutagen. Raziskavo sem izvedla v sodelovanju s kemičnim obratom, da bi ugotovila, ali imajo večji nezgodni dogodki vpliv tudi izven območja obrata. Obe snovi tedensko dostavljajo v avtocisternah, hranijo pa jih v pokončnih rezervoarjih (150 m3 metanola s koncentracijo 90 % in 200 m3 metanala s koncentracijo 45 %). V eksperimentalnem delu sem izvedla pet izračunov scenarijev za izpust in vžig metanola ter izpust metanala v računalniškem programu ALOHA. S pomočjo programa sem določila vplivna območja glede na ERPG vrednosti in območja toplotnega sevanja. Scenarije sem postavila v različne atmosferske pogoje – poleti in pozimi. Ob pregledu literature sem ugotovila, da je transport po železnici z vidika več parametrov primernejši in varnejši. Rezultati modeliranja pri skladiščenju nevarnih snovi so pokazali, da bi bile v primeru izlitja in izhlapevanja metanola in bazenskega požara metanola, posledice omejene na območje obrata. V primeru izpusta metanala, bi se v zrak sprostili hlapi, ki bi povzročili blažje zdravstvene težave (draženje dihal) tudi izven lokacije obrata. Zanimivo je, da razlika v temperaturi in vlagi ni pomembno vplivala na rezultat. Ugotovila sem tudi, da različna količina razlitega metanola po izračunih programa ALOHA ne vpliva na končni scenarij. Podala sem nekaj ukrepov za zmanjševanje posledic nezgodnega dogodka.

Keywords:metanol, metanal, transport, skladiščenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132834 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:183364867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Risk assessment for transport and storage of methanol and methanal
Industrial accidents can pollute the environment and harm people. This can happen due to the unintentional release of large quantities of hazardous substances during transport and storage. It is an event that happens because of escaped chemicals. The cause can be device or tank failure, human error, or other factors. In the introductory part, I reviewed the legislation and regulations, and set a broad framework for dealing with the safe handling of hazardous substances during transport and storage. Methanol and methanal are SEVESO hazardous chemicals. This means there is a higher risk of industrial accidents. Methanol is a flammable liquid and an acutely toxic chemical. Methanal is also an acutely toxic chemical and is especially carcinogenic and mutagenic. I conducted the research in collaboration with the chemical plant to determine if major accidental events have an impact outside the plant area as well. Both substances are delivered weekly in tank trucks and stored in upright tanks (150 m3 of methanol with a concentration of 90% and 200 m3 of methanal with a concentration of 45%). In the experimental part, I performed five calculations of different scenarios for the release and ignition of methanol and the release of methanal using computer program ALOHA. With the help of the program, I determined the areas of influence according to ERPG values and areas of thermal radiation. I set the scenarios in different atmospheric conditions – summer and winter. Based on the literature, I found that rail transport is more appropriate and safer in terms of several parameters. The results of modelling hazardous substances showed that in the event of a spill and evaporation of methanol and a methanol pool fire, the consequences would be limited to the plant area. In the event of methanol release, vapours would be released into the air, which would cause milder health problems (respiratory irritation) outside the site of the plant. It is interesting that the difference in temperature and humidity did not significantly affect the result. I also found out that according to the ALOHA program calculations different amounts of spilled methanol do not affect the final scenario. I have provided some measures to reduce the consequences of an accident.

Keywords:methanol, methanal, transport, storage

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