
Refleksija vzgojnega načrta osnovne šole
ID Sečnik, Neja (Author), ID Krek, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7010/ This link opens in a new window

Preteklo je že več kot 10 let od uveljavitve sprememb Zakona o osnovni šoli, po katerih je vzgojni načrt postal zakonska obveza vsake osnovne šole. Njegov namen je kakovostnejše vzgojno delovanje šole. Nekatere osnovne šole so zametek vzgojnega načrta že uporabljale, medtem ko so se druge znašle še pred neznanim izzivom. Za pomoč in usmeritev ter poenotenje vzgojnih načrtov je ministrstvo izdalo Priporočila o načinih oblikovanja in uresničevanja vzgojnega načrta osnovne šole. S tem so šole dobile smernice, kaj naj bi pravzaprav njihov vzgojni načrt vključeval. Šole so se na to različno odzvale. Nekatere so vzgojni načrt smatrale kot le še en zakonsko predpisan dokument, druge pa so ga uspele konkretizirati in prilagoditi same sebi. Za njih se je vzgojni načrt izkazal kot uporaben dokument, ki dejansko pripomore k izboljšanju kakovosti vzgojnega delovanja v javni osnovni šoli. V magistrski nalogi sem s pomočjo kvantitativno-kvalitativne raziskave analizirala konkreten vzgojni načrt ene izmed slovenskih osnovnih šol. Na podlagi kriterijev sem določila, ali vzgojni načrt izbrane šole vključuje le zakonsko določene vsebinske sklope ali tudi druge vsebinske sklope, ki omogočajo kakovostnejše vzgojno delovanje učiteljev in drugih strokovnih delavcev ter šole. Poleg analize samega dokumenta sem opravila tudi intervjuje z različnimi strokovnimi delavci šole: ravnateljem, svetovalno delavko in tremi učitelji. Na podlagi ugotovitev iz raziskave in refleksije sem predlagala ustrezne splošnejše smernice za dopolnitev izbranega vzgojnega načrta osnovne šole.

Keywords:vzgojni načrt osnovne šole
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132815 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:83179523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Reflection on the primary school education plan
More than ten years ago the amendments to the Elementary School Act were implemented which made the educational plan mandatory by law in each elementary school. The purpose of an educational plan is higher quality of educational activities in elementary schools. Some schools had already been using their versions of educational plans while others faced an unknown challenge. In order to offer support and guidance as well as for the purpose of unifying educational plans in elementary schools, the Ministry of Education issued the Guidelines on the creation and implementation of the educational plan in elementary schools. In that manner, the schools were offered guidelines on the contents of their educational plans. The schools reacted differently. Some of them saw the educational plan as just another mandatory document while others were able to make it very concrete and adjust it to their needs. The latter have found the educational plan a useful document which contributes to the improved quality of educational activities in public elementary schools. The thesis analyses an actual educational plan from one of the Slovenian elementary schools by means of quantitative-qualitative research. Based on the criteria, the author defines whether the educational plan of the selected school includes only the topics required by the law or additional topics that enable higher quality of educational activities performed by teachers and other school professionals. Beside the analysis of the document, the author conducted interviews with various school professionals: the headmaster, the school counsellor and three teachers. Based on the research findings and the reflexion, the author suggested relevant general guidelines for complementing the selected elementary school educational plan.

Keywords:elementary school educational plan

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