
Analysis of dam deformation with robust weight functions
ID Konakoglu, Berkant (Author)

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Civil engineering structures (e.g., bridges, dams) are exposed to deformation under the influence of various factors such as water level changes, landslides, tectonic phenomena, etc. These deformations must be periodically monitored. Various deformation analysis approaches have been developed to describe the behaviour of a structure or natural process. The most significant task in deformation analysis is to correctly classify whether the points are stable or unstable. In this study, various robust weight functions for determination of stable/unstable points were applied to the Deriner Dam using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data measured over four different periods. The robust weight functions examined included the Andrews, Beaton%Tukey, Cauchy, Danish, Fair, German%McClure, Hampel, Huber, L1, and L1%L2. Test results were evaluated, and the performances of the different deformation analysis methods were determined. It was concluded that the horizontal deformations based on GNSS data determined by these robust weight functions were in good agreement with each other, except for the L1%L2. The results of all approaches were also compared with the results of the %2 %Criteria method. According to the results obtained, although the %2 %Criteria and the robust methods yielded nearly similar results, the results of the %2 %Criteria method were thought to be more reliable.

Keywords:deformation analysis, GNSS, point stability, robust weight functions, Deriner dam
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Article acceptance date:24.04.2020
Publication date:12.06.2020
Number of pages:Str. 198-213
Numbering:Letn. 64, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132794 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0351-0271
DOI:10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2020.02.198-213 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:22082307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.11.2021
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Geodetski vestnik. glasilo Zveze geodetov Slovenije
Shortened title:Geod. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza geodetov Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:5091842 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:12.06.2020

Secondary language

Title:Analiza deformacije jezu z robustnimi utežnimi funkcijami
Gradbeni objekti, kot so mostovi in jezovi, so izpostavljeni različnim deformacijam, ki jih moramo stalno spremljati. V preteklosti so bili razviti različni pristopi za preučevanje obnašanja grajenega ali naravnega objekta. Najpomembnejša naloga pri deformacijski analizi je določiti, ali so točke stabilne ali nestabilne. V raziskavi so bile uporabljene različne robustne utežne funkcije za določitev stabilnosti oziroma nestabilnosti točk na primeru jezu Deriner, pri čemer smo uporabili podatke opazovanj GNSS (angl. Global Navigation Satellite System) iz štirih terminskih izmer. Pri tem smo uporabili Andrewsovo, Beaton-Tukeyjevo, Cauchyjevo, dansko, Fairovo, GermanMcClurejevo, Hampelovo, Huberjevo, L1 in L1%L2 robustno funkcijo. Na podlagi rezultatov izračunov smo ocenili lastnosti uporabljenih metod deformacijske analize. Ne glede na metodo, ki je bila uporabljena, se je izkazalo, da so skoraj vse opazovane točke na jezu Deriner v obravnavanem 1,5-letnem obdobju nestabilne. Položaji točk so bili nedvoumno pod vplivom vodne obremenitve. Izkazalo se je tudi, da so horizontalni premiki opazovanih točk, ki so bili določeni na podlagi opazovanj GNSS in robustnih utežnih funkcij, podobni za vse uporabljene metode % izjema so rezultati izračuna po metodi L1%L2. Vsi ti rezultati so bili primerjani še z izračuni po metodi %2 . Glede na izračune, pridobljene po tej metodi, lahko ugotovimo, da so rezultati primerljivi, čeprav je bila v preteklosti metoda %2 obravnavana kot primernejša

Keywords:deformacijska analiza, GNSS, stabilnost točke, utežna funkcija, jez Deriner

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