
Idejne zasnove enovitega hladilnega sistema za 48V električni pogonski sistem
ID Mlakar, Klemen (Author), ID Zupančič, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Svetovna proizvodnja električnih vozil v zadnjih letih beleži preko 40% rast, v prihodnjem desetletju pa naj bi se ta trend samo še stopnjeval. Z razvojem baterijskih sklopov in posledično elektromotorjev, ti postajajo vse zmogljivejši in kompaktnejši. To pomeni, da se jim s tem povečuje gostota moči in ob enem tudi gostota generiranih toplotnih izgub, ki jih je vse težje učinkovito odvajati v okolico. Zagotavljanje termično stabilnih pogonskih sistemov je tako postala ena ključnih nalog pri razvoju električnih pogonskih sistemov. Na podlagi podrobnega trodimenzionalnega modela sinhronskega AC elektromotorja s trajnimi magneti smo izdelali poenostavljen model z ohranjenimi ključnimi elementi, kjer je prihajalo do toplotnih izvorov. Opredelili smo robne pogoje in lokalne toplotne tokove posameznih delov električnega pogonskega sistema pri nominalni moči motorja do največ 40 kW. Izdelali smo 25 različnih geometrijskih modelov enovitih hladilnih kanalov za hlajenje mest glavnih toplotnih izgub ter v procesu CFD simulacij izvedli numerične preračune tlačnih padcev, hitrostnih in temperaturnih profilov pri vstopnem pretoku hladiva do 6 l/min in vstopni temperaturi hladiva do 60 °C. Najboljše rezultate hlajenja so izkazale različice z ustrezno oblikovanimi prehodi na mestih zožitev, dodanimi tokovnimi motilci in teksturiranimi površinami. Rezultate smo ovrednotili s pomočjo odločevalne matrike ter tako določili najboljše različice.

Keywords:48V električni pogonski sistem, hlajenje, prestop toplote, 3D modeliranje, CFD simulacije, odločevalna matrika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Mlakar]
Number of pages:XXVI, 94 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132694 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:84866563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Conceptual designs of a single uniform cooling system for a 48V electric drive
Global production of electric vehicles is recording a 40% growth in past recent years with increasing trends for the future. Major progress in the field of battery packs and consequentially electric motors led to their increased power and compact design. This in turn, caused a rise in power density of electric motors as well as a rise in heat loss generation which became more difficult to extract. Therefore, providing thermal stability and efficient cooling to an electric drive system turned into one of the most important tasks when designing such a system. Based on a detailed three-dimensional model of a synchronous AC motor with permanent magnets we created a simplified version with major details preserved. We described boundary conditions and local heat sources of individual components in the system at nominal electric motor power of 40 kW. We then created 25 different models of cooling channel geometry to cover main heat loss spots and then evaluated them in the process of CFD simulation. We gathered numerical results about pressure drops, velocity fields and temperature fields at the given load conditions and inlet coolant flow of 6 l/min with its temperature of 60°C. The versions that performed best included smoother transitions, flow disturbers and textured inner surfaces of the channels. We used decision matrix method to extract the best performing versions.

Keywords:48 V electric drive system, cooling, convection, 3D modelling, CFD simulations, decision matrix

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