
Generacija Y in doživljanje partnerskih odnosov v povezavi s tesnobo : magistrsko delo
ID Repenšek, Mija (Author), ID Repič Slavič, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo predstavili povezavo med odločitvijo za promiskuitetne odnose in vplivom na psihično zdravje milenijcev s poudarkom na občutku anksioznosti. Razvoj tehnologije vpliva na generacijo Y, mladim odraslim so danes na voljo številne možnosti za povezovanje. V aspektu promiskuitetnih odnosov in spremembi vrednot v generaciji prihaja do sprememb v partnerskih odnosih, željah, pričakovanjih in iskanju vedno bolj ujemajočega partnerja. S fenomenološko raziskavo med 11 udeleženci, ki so bili pripadniki mlajše generacije milenijcev, smo dokazali možnost, da posamezni promiskuitetni odnosi lahko povzročajo anksiozna občutja. V raziskavi smo predstavili tudi sistem potrditve med mladimi, ki temelji na kompenzaciji negativnih čustev s samopotrditvijo, kar pa je eden od bolj izpostavljenih motivatorjev za udeležbo v takšnih odnosih. Raziskava torej potrjuje možnost povezanosti med anksioznostjo v generaciji Y in udeležbo v promiskuitetnih odnosih. Kljub spremembam in vplivom pa si milenijci želijo trdnosti in varnosti v partnerski zvezi.

Keywords:milenijci ali generacija Y, promiskuitetni odnosi, vrednote generacije Y, izbira, čustvena in telesna intima
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Repenšek]
Number of pages:IX, 110, IX str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132558 This link opens in a new window
UDC:159.942 -053.6(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:86721539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Generation Y and experiencing partnerships in connection with anxiety
In the Master's thesis, we present the relationship between the decision to engage in promiscuous relationships and the impact on the mental health of Millennials, focusing on the feeling of anxiety. The development of technology is influencing Generation Y, and it provides many opportunities for young adults to socialize today. With the aspect of promiscuous relationships as well as the change in individual values in the generation, there are changes in partner relationships, desires, expectations, and the search for an even more suitable partner. Through phenomenological research among 11 participants who were members of the younger Millennial generation, we raised the possibility that individual promiscuous relationships can cause anxiety. The research also presented the system of affirmation in young people based on the compensation of negative emotions through self-affirmation, which is one of the more exposed motivations for participating in these relationships. Thus, the research confirms the possibility of correlation of anxiety in Generation Y and participation in promiscuous relationships. Despite the changes and influences, Millennials strive for security in partnerships.

Keywords:millennials or Generation Y, promiscuous relationships, Generation Y values, choice, emotional and physical intimacy

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