
Filipini skozi objektiv
ID Melihen, Blažka (Author), ID Starešinič, Marica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga na splošno opisuje fotografiranje, Filipine in moje izkušnje s fotografiranjem na tem otočju. Prav tako fotografsko opremo, ki sem jo uporabljala in pristop urejanja posnetih fotografij. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz treh delov: teoretičnega, eksperimentalnega, ter rezultatov in razprave. V teoretičnem delu so izpostavljeni ključni poudarki o fotografiji, njenem razvoju, s poudarkom na popotniškem fotografiranju, s konkretnimi primeri iz mojega potovanja. Predstavljeni so tudi Filipini ter značilnosti te otoške države. V eksperimentalnem delu je podrobno predstavljena vsa oprema, s katero so bile fotografije na potovanju posnete ter opis dodatkov, ki sem jih najpogosteje uporabljala pri vsakodnevnem fotografiranju. Pri rezultatih in razpravi so predstavljene moje fotografije po zvrsteh. Najprej sem predstavila pet primerov portretne fotografije, nato pet fotografij narave in na koncu še pet fotografij mest. Pri vsaki fotografiji je na kratko opisano, kako je fotografiranje potekalo, kakšni so bili pogoji in kako sem fotografijo uredila.

Keywords:potovanje, popotna fotografija, vloga fotografije, Filipini
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132540 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Philippines through the lens
The diploma thesis describes the Philippines and photography in general and my experience with photography in the Philippines. It also describes what photographic equipment I used and how I edited the photos. The diploma thesis consists of three parts - theoretical work, experimental work, results and discussion. The theoretical part presents photography, its development, travel photography and examples of it. The Philippines and the characteristics of this island country are also presented. The experimental part presents the equipment in details, with which the photos were taken on the trip and which accessories I used the most in everyday photography. In the results and discussion, my photos are presented by types of photography. First, I presented five examples of portrait photography, then five photographs of nature and finally five more photographs of cities. Each photo briefly describes how the photoshoot took place, what the shooting conditions were like and how I edited the photo itself.

Keywords:travelling, travel photography, the role of photography, Philippines

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