
Vpliv solnega stresa na pretvorbe poliaminov v mikrozelenjavi
ID Cimperman, Ana (Author), ID Cigić, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru magistrskega dela smo preverjali vpliv solnega stresa ter dodanega putrescina v hranilno raztopino na rast in pretvorbo poliaminov v izbrani mikrozelenjavi iz skupine stročnic, trav in križnic. Mikrozelenjavo smo gojili v različnih pogojih – v kontrolnih raztopinah ter v raztopinah z dodanim NaCl in/ali putrescinom. V okviru preliminarnih eksperimentov smo ovrednotili vpliv solnega stresa na rast rastlin in akumulacijo poliaminov, ki smo jih določili po kromatografski analizi. Solni stres je negativno vplival na rast rastlin, ugotovili smo tudi razlike v občutljivosti na solni stres med različnimi vrstami. Na osnovi preliminarnih eksperimentov smo izbrali po eno rastlinsko vrsto iz skupine križnic (vrtna kreša; Lepidum sativum), trav (pšenica; Triticum aestivum) in metuljnic (lucerna; Medicago sativa), ki smo jih gojili v kontroliranih pogojih. Dodatek putrescina v hranilno raztopino je imel relativno majhen vpliv na akumulacijo poliaminov tako v prisotnosti, kot odsotnosti solnega stresa. Solni stres (150 mM NaCl) je pri vseh treh vrstah mikrozelenjave rezultiral v povečani vsebnosti spermina in zmanjšani vsebnosti spermidina. Pri lucerni je solni stres rezultiral tudi v zmanjšani vsebnosti putrescina in agmatina v mikrozelenjavi.

Keywords:mikrozelenjava, poliamini, eksogeni putrescin, solni stres, ekstrakcija, derivatizacija, kromatografske metode, tekočinska kromatografija visoke ločljivosti, HPLC
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Cimperman]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132522 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82458115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of salt stress on the metabolism of polyamines in microgreens
As part of the master's thesis, we examined the effect of salt stress and added putrescine in the nutrient solution on the growth and conversion of polyamines in selected microgreens from the group of legumes, grasses and cruciferous plants. Microgreens were grown under different conditions – in control solution and in solutions with added NaCl and/or putrescine. In the preliminary experiments, we evaluated the influence of salt stress on plant growth and accumulation of polyamines, which were determined chromatographically. Salt stress had a negative effect on plant growth, and we also found differences in susceptibility to salt stress between different species. Based on preliminary experiments, we selected one species from the group of cruciferous plants (garden cress; Lepidum sativum), grasses (wheat; Triticum aestivum) and legumes (alfalfa; Medicago sativa), which were grown under controlled conditions. The addition of putrescine to the nutrient solution had a relatively small effect on the accumulation of polyamines in both the presence and absence of salt stress. Salt stress (150 mM NaCl) resulted in increased spermine content and decreased spermidine content in all three types of microgreens. In alfalfa, salt stress also resulted in lower putrescine and agmatine content in microgreens.

Keywords:polyamines, microgreens, exogenous putrescine, salt stress, extraction, derivatization, chromatographic methods, high resolution liquid chromatography, HPLC

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