
Potreba po pripovedovanju in pripoved o travmatičnih dogodkih v avtobiografskem pisanju Kiševega romana Vrt, pepel
ID Rajaković, Valentina (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hribar Sorčan, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem potrebe po pripovedovanju, ki jo misli z vidika filozofske antropologije in skozi literarno analizo Kiševega avtobiografskega romana Vrt, pepel (Bašta, pepeo, 1965). Filozofski razmislek o pripovedovanju kot o eksistencialni potrebi človeka temelji na Ricoeurjevem razumevanju potrebe po pripovedovanju in teoriji travme, kakor jo prek psihoanalize oriše Cathy Caruth. Magistrsko delo posebej poudari značilen jezik travme, kar služi kot osnova literarne analize Kiševega romana. Literarna analiza Vrta, pepela temelji na razmisleku o posebnostih Kiševe avtobiografske pisave, kakor se ta kaže v tej pripovedi o travmatičnem spominu na zgodbo očeta, ki je umrl v Auschwitzu. V analizi se avtorica osredotoča predvsem na Kiševe literarne postopke, ki preizprašujejo status resničnosti v avtobiografiji in ki omogočajo, da travma spregovori sama zase.

Keywords:pripovedovanje, pripovedna identiteta, travma, »zdravljenje z besedo«, avtobiografska literatura, srbska književnost, Kiš, Danilo: Vrt, pepel
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132398 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82230275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Need for Storytelling and Narration of Traumatic Events in Autobiographical Writing in Kiš's Novel Garden, Ashes
The thesis examines the question of a need for storytelling which is discussed from the point of view of philosophical anthropology and through the literary analysis of Danilo Kiš’s autobiographical novel Ashes, Garden (Bašta, pepeo, 1965). Philosophical reflection on storytelling as an existential need is based on Paul Ricoeur's understanding of the need for storytelling and the theory of trauma as outlined by Cathy Caruth through psychoanalysis. The thesis emphasizes the characteristic language of trauma, which serves as the basis for the literary analysis of Kiš's novel. The literary analysis of the Garden, Ashes is based on a reflection on the peculiarities of Kiš’s autobiographical writing, as shown in this narrative of the traumatic memory of the story of a father who died in Auschwitz. In the analysis, the author focuses mainly on Kiš's literary procedures, which question the status of reality in the autobiography and which allow the trauma to speak for itself.

Keywords:Keywords: storytelling, narrative identity, trauma, “talking cure”, autobiographical writing, Serbian literature, Kiš, Danilo: Garden, Ashes

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