
Načrtovanje šolskih projektov na temo sprektralne analize zvoka s pomočjo mobilnih aplikacij
ID Špoljar, Matej (Author), ID Kocijančič, Slavko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6992/ This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo je namenjeno učiteljem tehnike in tehnologije, naravoslovja ter fizike v primarnem in sekundarnem izobraževanju. Namenjeno je tudi študentom fizike in tehnike za načrtovanje tehniških in naravoslovnih dni, ali pa za načrtovanje drugačnih učnih ur s podporo informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je pregled obdelave signalov s pomočjo Fourierove analize, vzorčenja ter delovanja in uporabe algoritma diskretne in hitre Fourierove transformacije. Na kratko so opisane tudi napake, ki se pojavljajo pri meritvah in načini, kako napake odpraviti ali pa jih zmanjšati. Obdelan je tudi pregled delitve glasbil, ter njihov lastnosti, s poudarkom fizikalnem ozadju zvena kitare ter udarjal kot so ksilofoni ali zvončki. V magistrskem delu je tudi pregled učnih načrtov naravoslovnih predmetov primarnega in sekundarnega izobraževanja, s poudarkom na vsebinah o zvoku ter nihanju in valovanju. Podana je tudi tabela mobilnih aplikacij primernih za uporabo v razredu, ter primerjava med njimi. V empiričnem delu je opisan postopek načrtovanja ter izdelave modela kitare in zvončkov. Podani so tipični rezultati meritev, ter primerjave le-teh. Primerjani so bili faktorji, ki bi naj vplivali na zven obeh glasbil, ter kako se te razlike pokažejo v frekvenčnem spektru. Dobljeni rezultati so bili tudi primerjani s frekvenčnimi spektri akustične ter klasične kitare in zvončkov iz Orffovega instrumentarija. K magistrskemu delu je priložena tudi učna priprava tehniškega dne. Učitelji lahko tako skupaj z učenci cenovno ugodno izdelajo modele glasbil, ter enostavno z mobilnimi telefoni pomerijo njihove akustične lastnosti.

Keywords:Tehniški dan
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132374 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:81513219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Planning school projects on spectral analysis of sound using mobile apps
The master's thesis is intended for teachers of engineering and technology, science and physics in primary and secondary education. It is also intended for physics and engineering students to plan technical and science days, or to plan different lessons with the support of information and communication technologies. The theoretical part of the master's thesis is an overview of signal processing using Fourier analysis, sampling and the operation and application of the discrete and fast Fourier Transform algorithms. Errors that occur in measurements and ways to eliminate or reduce them are also briefly described. An overview of classification of musical instruments, as well as their properties, is also described, with an emphasis on the physical background of guitar sounds and percussion such as xylophones or bells. The master's thesis also includes an overview of the curricula of natural science subjects in primary and secondary education, with an emphasis on the contents of sound and oscillations and waves. There is also a table of mobile applications suitable for use in the classroom, and a comparison between them. The empirical part describes the process of designing and making a model of a guitar and bells. Typical results of measurements and comparisons of them are given. Factors that are supposed to affect the sound of both instruments and how these differences show up in the frequency spectrum were compared. The obtained results were also compared with the frequency spectra of acoustic and classical guitars and bells from Orff instruments. Included with the master's thesis is a lesson plan for preparing a science/engineering day in school. Teachers can work with students to make models of musical instruments at an affordable price, and easily measure their acoustic properties with mobile phones.

Keywords:Discrete Fourier transform

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