
ID Gacinovic, Oliver (Author), ID Androjna, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Moje diplomsko delo opisuje vojaške ladje, namenjene amfibijskim misijam in s tem povezanim operacijam, ki zahtevajo visoko stopnjo logistike pri prevažanju različnih vrst tovora na nedostopna področja. Tovrstne ladje niso namenjene izključno vojnim posegom, ampak so uporabne tudi pri reševanju ljudi v primeru izrednih razmer. Ključni cilj moje naloge je predstaviti funkcionalnost in prednosti amfibijskih plovil, njihovo zgradbo in opremo ter njihovo obširno uporabnost na različnih področjih, povezanih z vojaškimi operacijami. Podani so tudi primeri ladij, ki se uporabljajo v sodobnem času, in tiste ladje, ki jih še razvijajo.

Keywords:navpičen/kratek vzlet in pristanek, desantni dok, tehnologija za zmanjševanje radarske opaznosti, elektronsko bojevanje, mornariška pehota.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132346 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2021
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My work displaces a particular type of warfare ships, that are deployed for the transport of various equipment to places that are hard to reach by conventional ways. Those ships are multirole, apart from the classic use during wartime, they have a secundary role for the support of civilians in distress, caused by a natural disaster. My purpose of writing about this type of ships is to show and explain why they are so widely used, in every countrys navy worldwide, by describing their structure and their use. This work shows some examples of amphibious ships in current use and at the end, it shows some of their future projects.

Keywords:V/STOL (Vertical/Short Take Off and Landing), well deck, stealth, electronic warfare, Marines.

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