
Uporaba podatkovne baze OpenStreetMap za proučevanje dostopnosti
ID Pajk Koblar, Valentina (Author), ID Repe, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koncept prometne dostopnosti je eden od pomembnih komponent prostorskega načrtovanja. Z napredkom strojne in programske opreme je izračun dostopnosti na podlagi cestnega omrežja vedno pogosteje uporabljen. V raziskavah prometne dostopnosti v Sloveniji so bili za cestno omrežje uporabljeni podatki iz baze Gospodarske javne infrastrukture, ki so le delno uporabni za izdelavo takih analiz, saj je izdelava omrežja iz teh podatkov zamudna in zahtevna, poleg tega ne vsebujejo informacije o najvišji dovoljeni hitrosti. Zato so bili za tovrstne analize v zadnjih letih uporabljeni tudi podatki iz podatkovne baze OpenStreetMap. Namen magistrskega dela je preučiti ustreznost podatkovne baze OpenStreetMap za izdelavo analiz dostopnosti z osebnim avtomobilom. S primerjavo cestnega omrežja podatkovne baze OpenStreetMap in cestnega omrežja iz virov Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije, ki je vsebovalo združene podatke cestnih osi iz Zbirnega katastra gospodarske javne infrastrukture ter Državnega topografskega modela, smo ugotovili, da podatki OpenStreetMap na območju Slovenije vključujejo več kot 99 % dolžin omrežja državnih cest in več kot 90 % kategoriziranih občinskih cest. S podatki OpenStreetMap se da izdelati tudi zanesljive analize dostopnosti z osebnim avtomobilom. Potovalni časi, pridobljeni z orodjem OpenRouteService, ki uporablja podatke OpenStreetMap, odstopajo za manj kot 10 %, v primerjavi s potovalnimi časi komercialnih orodij Here WeGo in Google zemljevidi.

Keywords:OpenStreetMap, prometno omrežje, prometna dostopnost, QGIS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132334 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2021
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Title:Use of OpeenStreetMap database for accessability analyses
The concept of transport accessibility is one of the important components of spatial planning. With the advancement of hardware and software, accessibility calculations based on a road network are increasingly being used. Transport accessibility studies in Slovenia have relied on public infrastructure data, which is only partially suitable for conducting such analyses since they do not contain information on maximum speed limits and thus result in a time-consuming and complex process that is required to create a network. Therefore, in recent years, data from the Openstreetmap database has also been used for such analyses. The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine the suitability of the Openstreetmap database for analyses pertaining to private car accessibility. By comparing the Openstreetmap road network and the road network from the Surveying and Mapping Authoritiy of the Republic of Slovenia, which contained combined road axis data from the cadaster of public infrastructure and the national topographic model, we found that the Openstreetmap data for Slovenia includes more than 99% of the national road network lengths and more than 90% of the categorized municipal roads. Openstreetmap’s data can also be used to carry out reliable analyses of accessibility by private car. Travel times obtained with the OpenRouteService tool, which uses Openstreetmap data, deviate by less than 10% compared to the travel times of the commercial tools Here WeGo and Google Maps.

Keywords:OpenStreetMap, road network, accessibility, QGIS

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