
Identifikacija in kvantifikacija barv kamnin v jedrih iz Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag rudišča Bashibos, Severna Makedonija : diplomsko delo
ID Lavrenčič, Maksimiljan (Author), ID Dolenec, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Herlec, Uroš (Comentor)

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Hitro, objektivno in učinkovito prepoznavanje značilnosti kamnin je nepogrešljivo pri geoloških raziskavah. V rudni geologiji sta hitrost in kakovost prepoznavanja rudonosnih kamnin tudi ekonomsko pomembni, saj zmanjšujeta stroške zajema informacij, neposredno izboljšujeta kakovost njihovega zajema in verodostojnost podatkov. Zato mora biti metoda prepoznavanja lastnosti mineralov in kamnin enostavna za uporabo, saj jo le tako lahko korektno uporabljamo brez podrobnega vpogleda v teorijo in procese avtomatizacje, zajema in vrednotenja podatkov čim več zainteresiranih. V naši raziskavi smo prepoznavanje in količinsko ovrednotenje barv na osnovi barvno kalibriranih digitalnih fotografij kamninskih jeder skušali doseči z uporabo testne verzije računalniškega programa za barvno prepoznavanje ColoTerra. To smo naredili na primeru kamninskih jeder vrtin PD-11, PD-13 in PD-15 iz rudišča Bashibos, Severna Makedonija. Program ColoTerra smo uporabili tudi za prikaz izkoristka kamninskih jeder. Število prepoznanih dejanskih (kalibriranih) barv in njihovo natančno količinsko ovrednotenje kaže, da je program ColoTerra hiter in enostaven za uporabo, kar je s konvencionalnim določanjem po Munsellu praktično nemogoče. Poleg tega je program ColoTerra natančno prikazal barve prisotne na kamninskih jedrih ter nam dal ocene izkoristkov ali celovitosti kamninskih jeder. Na dveh odsekih kamninskih jeder vrtin smo izvedli tudi korelacijo med barvo in kamnino za test prepoznavanja litologije na podlagi barve. Program ColoTerra tako predstavlja dober način hitrega, učinkovitega in enostavnega prepoznavanja barvnih odtenkov kamnin in kamnin samih, hkrati pa je njegov potencial za nadaljnji razvoj priložnost za dodajanje in izboljšanje njegovih funkcij in delovanja. Preizkusili smo vse faze zajema informacije - fotografiranja in obdelave digitalnih fotografij ter izpostavili napake, ki lahko zmanjšajo njihovo kakovost in s tem pripravili osnovna izhodišča in postopke, ki bodo omogočili odpravljanje morebitnih težav in vzpostavili osnovne pogoje za nadaljnje rutinsko delo digitalnega fotografskega zajema in predstavljanja informacije, 1 meter dolgih odsekov vrtin, prepoznavanja barv in določanja njihovega deleža ter določanja izkoristka.

Keywords:kamninska jedra, barva kamnin, barvna identifikacija, barvna kvantifikacija, program ColoTerra, barvna kalibracija digitalnih fotografij, barvna analiza, barvni sistem Munsell, barvni prostor CIELab
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Lavrenčič]
Number of pages:XII, 43 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132286 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:85835779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Identification and quantification of rock colour in cores from the Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag mineral deposit Bashibos, North Macedonia : diploma work
Fast, objective and efficient identification of rock properties is indispensable in rock research. Especially in mining, where the speed and quality of the identification of ore-bearing rocks are of essential economic importance, as they decrease the costs of gathering data and directly improve the quality of the gathering and the credibility of the data. It is therefore practical that the identification method of rock and mineral properties is easy to use so that it can be used correctly by as many interested people as possible, without the detailed insight of theory and the process of automation, process of gathering and evaluation and without broader knowledge of geology. In our research, we tried to achieve colour identification and quantification of colours based on colour-calibrated digital photographs of rock cores by using a test version of the colour recognition computer program ColoTerra. We perform this on the rock cores from the drill holes PD-11, PD-13 and PD-15 from the Bashibos mine, Northern Macedonia. ColoTerra was also used to display rock core recovery and solidity. The number of recognized actual (calibrated) colours and their accurate quantitative evaluation shows, that the ColoTerra program is fast and easy to use, which would be practically impossible with conventional Munsell determination and that it recognized most of the colours present on the rock cores with high accuracy and provided good estimates of rock core recovery and solidity of the rock cores. On two sections of the rock cores, we performed a correlation between colour and rock for a colour-based lithology recognition test. The ColoTerra program is thus a good way to quickly, efficiently and easily identify the colours of rocks and the rocks themselves. At the same time, it offers the possibility to improve its functions and performance and to add new features. We tested all phases of information capture - photography and digital photo processing and highlighted errors that can reduce their quality and thus prepare basic starting points and procedures that will draw attention to the elimination of possible problems and enable further routine work of digital photographic capture and presentation of information, 1 meter long sections of wells, colour recognition and determination share and determination of efficiency.

Keywords:rock cores, rock colour, colour identification, colour quantification, ColoTerra program, digital photo colour calibration, colour analysis, Munsell colour system, CIELab colour space

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