We don’t usually understand why we respond in a certain way, and Hellinger’s constellations method allows us to observe events and situations in our lives and in the lives of several generations ahead from a distance. In the master's thesis, we investigated the experience of the effects of family constellations according to the Original Hellinger® Familienstellen. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we presented the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, described the principles of emotional experience and different emotional states, and defined emotional literacy. In the following, we defined the development of the Original Hellinger® Familienstellen and learned about its main laws. We described the course of the workshops and presented the effects of the method according to Slovenian practitioners of the method. In the empirical part, we investigated the long-term effects of the method with the help of phenomenological psychological research, and we mainly focused on experiencing of changing the perception and understanding of interpersonal relationships among the participants of the method. The results of the research were obtained through semi-structured interviews of ten people, aged between 26 and 74, who had two or more of their own constellations and more than a year had passed since the first constellations. The results of the research showed significant changes in the understanding and experience of family dynamics and interpersonal relationships. A look at family dynamics clarified the reasons for the problems for the participants and allowed them to accept responsibility for further relationships. Participants better understood themselves and came into contact with emotions they did not know before, which in turn improved their emotional literacy. The findings we gained during the research can help us decide on a psychological method by which we would like to improve our relationships in a relatively short time and understand the dynamics of our relationships.