
Primerjava agronomskih lastnosti in vsebnost kanabinoidov v sortah industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.)
ID Tagliatti Albreht, Sara (Author), ID Kocjan Ačko, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Flajšman, Marko (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo proučevali agronomske lastnosti osmih sort industrijske konoplje ('USO31', 'Fedora 17', 'Santhica 27', 'Santhica 70', 'Futura 75', 'Monoica', 'Tiborszallasi' in 'KC Dora') ter merili vsebnost kanabinoidov CBD, CBDA, Δ9-THC, THCA v fazi cvetenja in fazi zrelosti. Poskus je potekal od maja do septembra 2019 na Laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. Uporabili smo dve gostoti setve: 200 semen/m2 in 300 semen/m2. V času poskusa smo merili število rastlin ob vzniku, število rastlin ob žetvi, višino rastlin ob žetvi ter maso stebel ob žetvi. Vzorce smo pobrali v zgornjih socvetjih, jih posušili v pečici pri 40 °C in jih pripravili za nadaljnje analize na HPLC sistemu. Manjša gostota setve je imela pozitiven učinek na vznik in končni pridelek semena, saj je bilo pri gostoti 200 semen/m2 pri večini sort večje število odraslih rastlin. Prav tako je manjša gostota setve prispevala k večji višini rastlin. Največje število rastlin ob vzniku in ob žetvi je imela sorta 'Tiborszallasi', največjo višino pa sorta 'Futura 75'. Največjo maso stebel ob žetvi je dosegla 'Fedora 17' pri gostoti 300 semen/m2, in sicer 6830 kg/ha, kar je nadpovprečno v primerjavi z ostalimi sortami. Vsebnost kanabinoidov je bila od sorte do sorte zelo različna; največje vsebnosti smo izmerili v času žetve. Največji odstotek CBDA je imela sorta 'Tiborszallasi', največji odstotek CBD pa 'Futura 75'. Odstotek THC je bil največji pri sorti 'Tiborszallasi' in je bil skoraj identičen v času cvetenja (0,106 %) in v času žetve (0,105 %).

Keywords:navadna konoplja, Cannabis sativa, agronomske lastnosti, gostota setve, kanabinoidi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Tagliatti Albreht]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132189 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:81340675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of agronomic properties and cannabinoid content in varieties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
In this thesis, we studied the agronomic properties of eight varieties of industrial hemp ('USO31', 'Fedora 17', 'Santhica 27', 'Santhica 70', 'Futura 75', 'Monoica', 'Tiborszallasi' and 'KC Dora'). We measured the content of cannabinoids CBD, CBDA, Δ9THC, THCA in the flowering and ripening stage. The experiment took place between May and September 2019 on the farmland of Biotehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana. We used two densities of sowing: 200 seeds/m2 and 300 seeds/m2. During the experiment, we measured the number of plants at the germination stage. We measured the number of plants, stem's height, and stem's weight at the harvest. Samples were taken from the upper inflorescences, then dried in an agronomic oven, and prepared for sampling based on the HPLC method. Smaller sowing density positively affected germination and crop size: 200 seeds/m2 gave us a higher number of harvested plants. Similarly, smaller sowing densities contributed to the higher height of the plants. The highest number of plants at germination and harvest had the 'Tiborszallasi' variety and the tallest height 'Futura 75' variety. The most significant weight had the 'Fedora 17' variety at the density of 300 seeds/m2; the final weight was 6830 kg/ha, above average compared to other varieties. Cannabinoids content fluctuated quite a bit among different varieties, but we measured the highest content at harvest. The highest percent of CBDA had the 'Tiborszallasi' variety, and the highest percentage of CBD had the 'Futura 75' variety. The highest percent of THC had the 'Tiborszallasi' variety which had an almost identical content of THC in the flowering stage (0,106%), and at the harvest stage (0,105%).

Keywords:hemp, Cannabis sativa, agronomic properties, sowing density, cannabinoids

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