
Uporaba integriranega joga programa pri odraslem, ki jeclja
ID Premović, Sanja (Author), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Comentor)

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Jecljanje je govorna motnja, za katero so značilne ne samo ponovitve delov besed, enozložnih besed in neritmična fonacija, v katero spadajo podaljševanje glasov, blokade in prekinjene besede, ampak tudi čustva osebe, ki so z omenjenimi netekočnostmi povezana v obeh smereh – čustva lahko spodbujajo jecljanje, jecljanje pa lahko sproži pojav določenih čustev. Raziskave dokazujejo vpliv, ki ga ima jecljanje in z njim povezano čustvovanje, na proženje stresnega odziva pri ljudeh, ki jecljajo. Ta lahko ob ponavljajočem se proženju v socialnih situacijah, ki zahtevajo govor, predstavlja grožnjo za razvoj anksiozne motnje, ki je v populaciji odraslih, ki jecljajo, močno zastopana. Ena najpogosteje uporabljenih dopolnilnih oziroma alternativnih metod zdravljenja, ki jo zdravniki pacientom priporočajo za spoprijemanje s stresom in anksioznostjo, je joga. V teoretičnih izhodiščih opredelimo jecljanje in se pri opisu značilnosti jecljanja osredotočimo na čustveno, kognitivno in socialno dimenzijo napredovanega jecljanja pri odraslih, ki jecljajo. Nato opišemo povezavo med jecljanjem, stresom in anksioznostjo ter stresni odziv in pojav (socialne) anksioznosti pri ljudeh, ki jecljajo. V nadaljevanju s pomočjo pregleda sprostitvenih tehnik v terapiji jecljanja, avtorjev Yaruss in Gilman (2000), predstavimo metode sproščanja fizičnih in čustvenih napetosti pri terapiji ljudi, ki jecljajo, in se osredotočimo na jogo kot metodo zmanjševanja stresa in anksioznosti. S pomočjo pregleda v literaturi dostopnih študij o uporabnosti joge (asana, pranayama, čuječnostna meditacija) pri terapiji oseb, ki jecljajo, predstavimo potencialne mehanizme delovanja in dobrobiti joge. V empiričnem delu s singularno študijo primera odrasle osebe, ki jeclja, raziščemo vpliv integriranega 6-tedenskega joga programa na jakost jecljanja, subjektivno zaznavanje vpliva jecljanja na življenje, anksioznost, socialno anksioznost, subjektivno zaznavanje stresa in čuječnost. Ugotavljamo, da je po 6-tedenskem joga programu pri odraslem, ki jeclja, prišlo do napredka na vseh področjih merjenja, razen na področju čuječnosti. Največji napredek se je pokazal pri anksioznosti in socialni anksioznosti, čemur pripisujemo tudi zmanjšanje jakosti jecljanja. Rezultati so pokazali manjše subjektivno zaznavanje stresa in manjše zaznavanje vpliva jecljanja na življenje sodelujočega, ki je po zaključenem joga programu izkazal tudi pozitivnejši odnos do jecljanja in sebe kot osebe, ki jeclja. Zaključujemo, da je lahko joga dragocen doprinos v logopedski terapiji oseb, ki jecljajo, ne zgolj zaradi sprostitve, ampak tudi zaradi celostnega vpliva na človeka in dobrobiti, ki jih prinaša na več področjih življenja.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131886 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79162883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The use of an integrated yoga program in an adult who stutters
Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by repetition of parts of words, repetition of monosyllabic words, arrhythmic phonation – prolongations, blocks and broken words –, and also the emotions of a person who stutters. The connection between the dysfluencies and emotions is bidirectional – certain emotions can promote stuttering, and stuttering can trigger the emergence of certain emotions. Research demonstrates the impact that stuttering and emotions related to it have on triggering a stress response in people who stutter. If the stress response is triggered continuously in social situations that require verbal communication, it can significantly endanger a person’s health and also pose a threat to the development of an anxiety disorder, strongly represented in adults who stutter. Yoga is one of the most commonly used complementary or alternative methods of treatment that doctors recommend to patients in order to cope with stress and anxiety. In the theoretical part of the thesis we define stuttering and focus on the emotional, cognitive and social dimentions of advanced stuttering in adults who stutter. We describe the link between stuttering, stress and anxiety, as well as explain the stress response and occurence of (social) anxiety in people who stutter. Next, using a review of relaxation techniques in stuttering therapy by Yaruss and Gilman (2000), we present methods for relieving physical and emotional tension in treatment of people who stutter and focus on yoga as a method of reducing stress and anxiety. By reviewing studies available in the literature on the usefulness of yoga (asana, pranayama, mindfulness meditation) in therapy for people who stutter, we present the potential mechanisms of action and benefits of yoga for this population. In the empirical part of the thesis, using a singular case study, we explore the impact of a 6-week integrated yoga program on: stuttering severity, subjective perception of the impact of stuttering on a person's life, subjective perception of stress, anxiety, social anxiety, and midfulness in an adult who stutters. According to the results, we find that after a 6-week yoga program, there is progress in all quantitative measures except mindfulness. The greatest progress has been shown in anxiety and social anxiety, to which we also attribute the decline of stuttering severity. The results showed less subjective perception of stress and less perception of the impact of stuttering on the participant's life. In addition, after completing the yoga program, the participant showed a more positive attitude towards stuttering and himself as a person who stutters. We conclude that yoga can be a valuable contribution in stuttering therapy – not only for relaxation purposes but also its holistic effect and the benefits it brings to several areas of life.


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