
Vpliv gibanja ter pripomočkov, ki spodbujajo gibanje, na študente v pedagoškem procesu kot intervencija proti sedentarnemu načinu življenja
ID Mehonić, Zala (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6956/ This link opens in a new window

Sedentarni način življenja je postala največja nevarnost sodobne družbe, ki opazno znižuje kakovost življenja posameznika. Ključen korak pri soočanju z nevarnostmi sedentarnih vedenj je ne le promocija in dvig gibalne aktivnosti, pač pa tudi iskanje alternativ sedentarnim vedenjem, ki nas spremljajo v vsakdanjem življenju. V vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah je to oblikovanje fizičnega okolja, ki posameznika spodbuja h gibanju in mu omogoča čim več gibalnih izkušenj. V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kako pripomočki, ki spodbujajo gibanje, vplivajo na zmanjšanje sedentarnega načina življenja pri študentih UL Pedagoške fakultete in na količino ter intenzivnost gibalne aktivnosti. Poleg tega smo preverili tudi, kakšne vplive imajo pripomočki, ki spodbujajo gibanje na možnost ukvarjanja z gibalno aktivnostjo izven predavanj na daljavo, na koncentracijo, splošno počutje ter na pozitiven odnos do sebe in do svojega zdravja. V teoretičnih izhodiščih smo na začetku opredelili pojem gibalne aktivnosti, pregledali priporočila količine in intezivnosti gibalne aktivnosti Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije, opisali vpliv gibalne aktivnosti ter izpostavili pomen le-te skozi različna življenjska obdobja. V nadaljevanju smo opredelili tudi sedentarni način življenja ter njegove nevarnosti. Opisali smo tudi, kakšno je trenutno stanje sedentarnega načina življenja med otroki in mladostniki. Izpostavili smo tudi dejavnike, ki pomembno vplivajo na pojav gibalne aktivnosti oz. sedentarnega načina življenja. Posebej smo izpostavili šolo kot pomembno fizično okolje pri spodbujanju gibanja ter predstavili nekaj že izpeljanih intervencij pri preprečevanju sedentarnega načina življena v šoli. Nazadnje smo v poglavju opisali kinestetično učilnico ter kinestetične pripomočke. Empirični del magistrskega dela je vseboval kvazieksperimentalno raziskavo, v kateri je sodelovalo 67 študentk in študentov Oddelka za razredni pouk na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani, ki so v študijskem letu 2020/21 obiskovali 3. letnik. Uporabili smo naslednje statistične metode: aritmetično sredino, standardno deviacijo, maksimum in minimum. V programu IBM Statistical Product Solutions 28 (SPSS) smo uporabili Kullbackov 2Î preizkus, Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov, t-test za parno primerjavo, Freidmanov test ANOVA ter enosmerno analizo variance ANOVA za ponavljajoče meritve. Normalnost porazdeljevanja podatkov smo preverjali s Kolmogorov-Smirnovim preizkusom. Vzorec smo razdelili v dve skupini, in sicer v eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Kontrolna skupina je na daljavo spremljala predavanja z vključitvijo gibanja, vendar brez uporabe pripomočkov, ki spodbujajo gibanje. Eksperimentalna skupina je predavanja spremljala z vključitvijo gibanja ter z uporabo pripomočkov, ki spodbujajo gibanje. Raziskali smo, kako vključevanje gibanja vpliva na zmanjšanje sedentarnega načina življenja pri študentih in na količino ter intenzivnost gibalne aktivnosti. Obenem smo preverili, če obstajajo razlike v količini in intenzivnosti gibalne aktivnosti med eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Prav tako pa smo z raziskavo ugotavljali, kako uporaba teh pripomočkov med predavanji na daljavo vpliva na možnost ukvarjanja z gibalno aktivnostjo izven predavanj na daljavo, na koncentracijo, splošno počutje ter na pozitiven odnos do sebe in do svojega zdravja. V intepretaciji povezujemo ugotovitve tudi s pojavom epidemije COVID-19, saj je pomembno vplivala na potek in rezultate raziskave. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da so se študenti eksperimentalne skupine na zaključnem merjenju počutili slabše kot na uvodnem merjenju. Na zaključnem merjenju so v primerjavi s študenti kontrolne skupine pogosteje izrazili, da sedijo, ker se jim drugega ne da početi. Študenti eksperimentalne skupine so izrazili, da izbirajo sedentarna vedenja predvsem zaradi navade ter ker tako lažje delajo oz. se učijo. Na drugi strani pa so izrazili, da izbirajo gibalne aktivnosti, ker jim le-te omogočajo višjo kakovost življenja, poleg tega pa jim predstavljajo vir boljšega počutja in zdravja. Med meritvama so študenti eksperimentalne skupine zmanjšali količino preživetega časa v sedentarnem položaju med in izven pedagoškega procesa ter čas pasivnega sedenja. Nasprotno pa so povečali čas ležanja, uporabe mobilnega telefona oz. računalnika ter gledanja televizije. Količina gibalne aktivnosti se je v eksperimentalni skupini tekom raziskave dvignila, pri čemer pa smo opazili upad visoke in srednje intenzivnosti ter dvig nizke intenzivnosti gibalnih aktivnosti. Izboljšanje v eksperimentalni skupini se kaže predvsem pri večji pogostosti izvajanja aktivnosti na prostem (pohodništvo, tek, hoja). Med študenti eksperimentalne skupine se je na eni strani tekom raziskave izboljšal nivo visoke koncentracije, vendar na drugi strani poslabšal nivo odnosa do sebe in do svojega zdravja. V splošnem počutju sprememb ni bilo. Kot pomembna dejavnika, ki sta vplivala na koncentracijo, splošno počutje ter odnos do sebe in do svojega zdravja, sta bila vsebina predavanja tistega tedna ter gibanje. Večina študentov eksperimentalne skupine se je s pripomočki srečala redko ali nikoli, kar je vplivalo na to, da so potrebovali kar nekaj časa, da so se na pripomočke navadili. Ocenili so, da bi morala uporaba pripomočkov postati redna praksa v pedagoškem procesu, pri čemer bi imeli učenci oz. študenti prosto izbiro pri uporabi.

Keywords:gibalna aktivnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131885 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79149059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of movement and movement-enhancing equipment on students in the educational process as an intervention against sedentary lifestyles
A sedentary lifestyle has become the greatest danger of modern society which evidently lowers the quality of life of the individual. The key in dealing with the dangers of sedentary behaviours is not only the promotion and increase of physical exercise, but also to explore the alternatives of sedentary behaviours that accompany us in everyday life. In educational institutions this would include the creation of physical environment that encourages the individual to move and enables him to have as much movement as possible. In master thesis we determined how equipments that stimulate the movement affect the reduction of a sedentary lifestyle amongst students UL Faculty of Education and the amount and intensity of physical activity. Furthermore, we also examined the effects of equipments that promote movement on the ability to engage in physical activity outside of distance lectures, on concentration, general well-being, and on a positive attitude towards oneself and one’s health. In theoretical part, we identified the concept of physical activity, reviewed the recommendations for the amount and intensity of physical activity of the World Health Organisation, described the impact of physical activity and highlighted its importance through different periods of life. In the following part, we also defined the sedentary lifestyle and its dangers. We also described the current state of the sedentary lifestyle among children and adolescents. Moreover, we exposed the factors that significantly influence the phenomenon of physical activity or sedentary lifestyle. We also highlighted the school as the important physical environment movement promoter, and presented some interventions already implemented in preventing sedentary lifestyle at school. Finally, we described the kinesthetic classroom and kinesthetic equipments. The empirical part of master thesis contained a quasi-experimental study in which 67 students participated from Primary School Teaching at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana, who attended the third year in the academic year 2020/21. We used the following statistical methods: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum. In IBM Statistical Product Solutions, we used the Kullbackov 2Î test, Wilcoxon test of predicted ranks, the t-test for pairwise comparison, the Freidman test ANOVA and the one-way analysis of ANOVA variance for repeated measurements. We checked the normality of the data using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. We divided the study sample in to two groups, the experimental and control group. The control group had remote lectures with inclusion of movement but without the use of movement-enhancing equipments. On the other hand, the experimental group followed the lectures incorporating movement and using movement-enhancing equipments. We researched how the implementation of movement affects the reduction of sedentary lifestyle amongst students and the amount and intensity of physical activity. Concurrently, we checked whether there were differences in the amount and intensity of physical activity between the experimental and control group. We also used the research to find out how the use of movement-enhancing equipments during distance lectures affects the ability to engage in physical activity outside of distance lectures, concentration, general well-being and a positive attitude towards oneself and one’s health. In the interpretation, we also connect the findings with the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic, as it significantly influenced the course and result of the research. The findings showed that the students of the experimental group felt worse on the final measurement than on the introductory measurement. At the final measurement, in comparison to the students in the control group, the students of experimental group more often expressed that they were sitting because they were not bothered to do anything else. The students of experimental group expressed that they choose sedentary behaviour mainly because of the habit and because it is easier to work or study. On the other hand, they expressed that they choose physical activities because these enable them a higher quality of life, and in addition they represent a source of better well-being and health. During the measurements, the students of the experimental group reduced the amount of time spent in a sedentary position during and outside of the pedagogical process and also reduced the time of passive sitting. On the contrary, they increased the time of lying down, using a mobile phone or computer and watching TV. The amount of physical activity in the experimental group increased during the study, at which we saw the decrease in high and medium intensity and an increase in low intensity of physical activity. The improvement in the experimental group is mainly reflected in the higher frequency of outdoor activities (hiking, running, and walking). Among the students of the experimental group, the level of high concentration improved, however the level of attitudes towards themselves and their health deteriorated. There were no changes in general well-being. The main two factors that impacted on the concentration, the general well-being and the attitude towards oneself and one’s health, were the content of the lecture of that week and movement. Most of the students in the experimental group encountered the equipments infrequently or never, which took them some time to get used to the equipments. They evaluated that the use of equipments should become a regular practice in the pedagogical process, whereby younger or older students would have a free choice of using the equipments.

Keywords:physical activity

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