
Učinki zdravstvene vzgoje pri pacientih s kronično bolečino v spodnjem delu hrbta - pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Kavčič, Klara (Author), ID Kvas, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hiti, Nina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Bolečine v spodnjem delu hrbta so ena najpogostejših zdravstvenih težav. Najbolj ranljivi so ljudje v delovno aktivni skupini, ki se z bolečino v spodnjem delu hrbta srečajo v 50 do 80 odstotkih. Bolečina v spodnjem delu hrbta se uvršča med najpogostejše vzroke invalidnosti po vsem svetu. Skupno breme bolečine v spodnjem delu hrbta, ki izhaja iz ergonomske izpostavljenosti pri delu, je bilo leta 2010 ocenjeno na 21,8 milijona dolarjev. Razumevanje razširjenosti in pojavnosti bolečine v spodnjem delu hrbta lahko pomaga vzpostaviti ustrezne ukrepe javnega zdravstva za blažitev bremena. Zdravstvena vzgoja je del multidisciplinarnega pristopa, ki pacientu omogoča spremembo vedenja, ki smo ga vajeni, ali usvojitev do tedaj še neznanega vedenja, ki naj bi pripomoglo k boljšemu počutju posameznika. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda literature predstaviti učinke različnih pristopov zdravstvene vzgoje na bolečino, stopnjo invalidnosti in telesno dejavnost. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domače in tuje strokovne literature. Literaturo, objavljeno med letoma 2013 in 2020, smo iskali v podatkovnih zbirkah PubMed, MEDLINE, ScienceDirect in ERIC. Rezultati: V končni pregled in analizo smo vključili šest člankov, ki so bili prosto dostopni v polnem besedilu. Rezultati o vplivu različnih pristopov zdravstvene vzgoje na bolečino in stopnjo invalidnosti si med seboj nasprotujejo. Poučevanje pacientov, redno spremljanje, kognitivno-vedenjska terapija in uporaba aplikacije so bili učinkoviti pri povečanju količine telesne dejavnosti. Za povečanje ravni telesne dejavnosti je pomembno, da si skupaj s pacientom zastavimo cilje, postopoma povečujemo raven telesne dejavnosti in redno izvajamo telefonska svetovanja, s katerimi ga spodbujamo k povečanju telesne dejavnosti. K povečanju telesne dejavnosti preiskovancev je zelo pripomogla tudi mobilna aplikacija prek katere so preiskovanci dnevno spremljali telesno dejavnost in cilje prilagodili glede na predhodni dan. Razprava in zaključek: V analiziranih raziskavah so avtorji poročali o pozitivnih učinkih multidisciplinarnega zdravstveno-vzgojnega pristopa na povečanje telesne dejavnosti, zmanjšanje bolečine in zmanjšanja stopnje invalidnosti. Potrebne bi bile nadaljnje raziskave z bolj natančnim sledilnikom merjenja dejavnosti, poenotenim protokolom za izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje in zdravstveno svetovanja ter z vključitvijo večjega števila preiskovancev v raziskavo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, zdravstveno svetovanje, mobilne zdravstvene aplikacije, multidisciplinarni program
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Kavčič]
Number of pages:41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131792 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79214595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of health education for patinet with chronic low back pain - literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Low back pain in one of the most common health problems. People in the working age group are the most vulnerable, with 50-80 % experiencing low back pain. Low back pain is one of the most common causes of disability worldwide. The total burden of low back pain resulting from ergonomic exposure at work was estimated at 21,8 million dollars in 2010. Understanding the prevalence and incidence of low back pain can help to establish appropriate public health measures to alleviate the burden. Health education is a part of multidisciplinary approach that enables the patient to change a behavior that is habitual or to learn a previously unknown behavior that is expected to contribute to the well-being of the individual. Purpose: Thesis aims to present the effects of different approaches to health education concerning pain, the level of disability and physical activity, based on a review of the existing literature. Methods: For the thesis we used a descriptive method of works with a review of domestic and foreign expert literature. Literature published between 2013 and 2020 was searched for in the PubMed, MEDLINE, Science Direct and ERIC databases. Results: Six freely available full-text articles were included in the final review and analysis. The results of the impact of different approaches to health education concerning pain and the level of disability oppose each other. Patient education, regular monitoring, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and the use of a mobile application have been proven effective in increasing physical activity. To increase the level of physical activity, it is important to set goals together with the patient, to gradually increase the level of physical activity, and to offer regular telephone counseling, all while encouraging them to increase their physical activity. The use of a mobile application has also been very helpful in increasing physical activity, as it monitored the patient's daily activity and adjusted the goals according to the previous day. Discussion and conclusion: In the analyzed studies, the authors reported on the effects a of multidisciplinary health-education approach on increasing physical activity, reducing pain and the level of disability. For a deeper insight, further study is required, with a more precise tracker to measure activities, unified protocol for the implementation of health-education and health counseling, and the involvement of more participants in the study.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, health counseling, mobile medical applications, multidisciplinary programme

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