Although increased physical activity positively affects well-being, health, as well as body development itself, injuries are inevitable in sports. There are many sports injuries, especially lower limb injuries. Knee and ankle injuries are predominant, with hip injuries somewhat less common. In addition, knee injuries are one of the most common injuries in sports overall, accounting for about twenty percent of all injuries. Sports injuries are defined as injuries that occurred during a sports activity. They are divided into acute and chronic. Acute injuries, such as an ankle sprain, occur in an instant, while chronic injuries present themselves over time and occur due to a constant strain on some body part, which eventually succumbs to the excessive burden and manifests as pain during a sports activity. Despite there being many sports injuries, it is vital that in order to achieve good competitive success, we pay attention also to sports injury prevention, the course of treatment, and rehabilitation itself. The ancient Greeks and Romans were already aware of the positive effects of water, as they used water to both preserve and restore health in the form of various baths, showers and water sprays. Hydrotherapy is therapy with water, which takes advantage of the positive effects of water for medical purposes. Due to its positive effects on the body, the aquatic environment represents a wide range of therapeutic applications in rehabilitation programs, while simultaneously enabling the movement of even severely damaged, weakened or painful body parts, due to its hydrodynamic and hydrostatic properties. Exercise in water today represents a part of rehabilitation after lower limb injuries, since its positive effects on the body allow for faster restoration of health and recovery after injury, as well as return to everyday life and continued sports activity.
The core goal and purpose of the master's thesis was to present and define sports injuries of the lower limb, to present exercise in water and study its applicability, to make an example program of exercise in water after lower limb injury, and also to research and present a comparison of rehabilitation in water and rehabilitation on land after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. We used the descriptive method in preparation of the master's thesis, and reviewed both domestic and foreign scientific literature with the help of various mediums.