In the forests of GE Zaplana we determine the soil susceptibility and the charactheristics
of secondary skid trails on four object with different phytocenological association. A total
of 62 measurements of skid trail profiles were taken, where each profile included soil
profile, that serves as the basic information of soil properties. The average track depth was
15,0 cm. The deepest ruts were found in Omphalodo-Fagetum (20,4 cm), followed by
Galio rotundifolii-Abietetum (18,8 cm) and Hacquetio-Fagetum (13,0 cm), while the
shallowest tyre tracks were found in Blechno-Fagetum (10,1 cm). Significant statistical
differences in tyre tracks were observed between the individual associations. We also
found a significant statistical correlation between slope and tyre track depth, where tyre
track depth increasing with a rate of 2,87 cm per 10 % increase in slope. Insignificant
statistical correlations were found between tyre track depth and surface stoninness,
presence of roots and soil depth. Based on the results we assume that number of passes,
the properties of machinery, and the conditions under which skidding was performed have
an important influence onto rut depth, that is perhaps greater than the phytocenosis and
morphological soil properties, so it would be important to monitor these parameters for
future research at the forest stands.