
Vpliv načina prehranjevanja in vnosa ogljikovih hidratov na razvoj stanja nizke energijske razpoložljivosti pri rekreativnih športnikih in športnicah
ID Geč, Katarina (Author), ID Rotovnik Kozjek, Nada (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Rekreativni športniki in športnice imajo glede na vrsto, stopnjo, intenzivnost in trajanje športne dejavnosti povišane potrebe po energiji in hranilih. Neustrezne prehranske strategije, ki so lahko posledica namernih ali nenamernih odločitev, lahko vodijo do razvoja stanja nizke energijske razpoložljivosti (ang. Low energy availability – LEA) za osnovne življenjske funkcije. To stanje povzroča sindrom relativnega energijskega pomanjkanja v športu (ang. Relative energy deficiency in sports – RED-s), ki se klinično odraža v zmanjšanju zmogljivosti pri telesni dejavnosti in razvoju različnih zdravstvenih težav. Z raziskavo smo želeli oceniti povezavo LEA z različnimi omejitvami v prehrani in prenizkim vnosom ogljikovih hidratov (OH). Vnos OH, način prehranjevanja in energijsko razpoložljivost rekreativnih vzdržljivostnih športnikov smo ocenili z analiziranjem prehranskih navad, uporabo 3-dnevnega prehranskega dnevnika ter opravljenimi meritvami sestave telesa z metodo bioelektrične impedančne analize (BIA). Rekreativne športnike smo na podlagi izračunane energijske razpoložljivosti (ER) razdelili v dve skupini glede na postavljeno mejo za LEA (30 kcal/kg puste telesne mase/dan). S primerjavo razširjenosti uporabe diet, števila dnevno zaužitih obrokov in vnosa posameznih makrohranil med skupinama nismo ugotovili povezave med prehranjevanjem z omejitvami in LEA. So pa rezultati raziskave pokazali prisotnost dietnega načina prehranjevanja med rekreativnimi športniki. Povezavo med prenizkim vnosom OH in LEA smo s primerjavo podatkov med skupinama potrdili. Športniki, ki so zaužili manj OH/kg telesne mase/dan, so imeli izmerjeno ER nižjo v primerjavi s športniki, ki so zaužili več OH. Rezultati raziskave nakazujejo, da je ustrezen vnos OH pomemben za preprečevanje LEA in ohranjanja športnikovega zdravja.

Keywords:prehrana, rekreativni športniki, športna dejavnost, prehranske navade, diete, ogljikovi hidrati, nizke energijska razpoložljivost, sindrom relativnega energijskega pomanjkanja, zdravje športnikov, bioimpedanca
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Geč]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131710 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79384579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2021
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Title:Influence of diet and carbohydrate intake on the development of low energy avaliability in recreational athletes
Recreational athletes have, considering the type, level, intensity and duration of physical activity, a higher need for energy and nutrients. Improper nutritional strategy, which can be a consequence of either intentional or unintentional decisions, could lead to the development of low energy availability (LEA) for basic life functions. This state causes the syndrome of relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-s), which is clinically reflected in a decrease in athlete’s performance and the development of various health problems. The aim of our study is to assess the connection between LEA and various dietary restrictions and too low carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrate intake, diets and energy availability of recreational endurance athletes were evaluated by analysing eating habits, use of 3-day food diary and measurements of body composition with bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) method. On the basis of calculated energy availability (EA), recreational athletes were divided into two groups considering the limit for LEA (30 kcal/kg fat free mass/day). By comparing the use of diets, number of daily meals and individual macronutrient intake for both groups, we were not able to establish correlation between dietary restrictions and LEA. Nevertheless, the results of the study showed the presence of dietary food regime among recreational athletes. By comparing the data for two groups, we confirmed the correlation between too low carbohydrate intake and LEA. The athletes who consumed less carbohydrates/kg body mass/day had lower EA in comparison with the athletes who consumed more carbohydrates. The results of the study indicate that appropriate carbohydrate intake is important for prevention of LEA and maintaining the athlete’s health.

Keywords:nutrition, recreational athletes, physical activity, nutritional strategy, diet, carbohydrate, low energy availability, syndrome of relative energy deficiency, athletes health, bioimpendance

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