In the last decade, both abroad and in Slovenia, we have seen an increase in social enterprises. This thesis aims to elaborate the concept of social enterprise, explore the challenges that social enterprises face in Slovenia and propose potential proposals or solutions for their further development. Analysis showed that the challenges faced by ex lege social enterprises are: lack of support by the tax system, public awareness of social enterprises, long-term support by state strategies, access to monetary resources and lack of local and municipal long-term strategy, lack of business logic and entrepreneurial knowledge in the management of social enterprises, lack of autonomy from the government and its strategies and slower realization of the ideas of the social economy than in the classical economy. For further development, based on the interpretation of the analysis and literature, we propose a unified and long-term development strategy, a functioning support system that would be combined with classic business support schemes, legislative changes extension of Zakon o socialnem podjetništvu to all social economy entities), tax incentives and several targeted tenders for social enterprises.