
Problematika ležajnih tokov pri pretvorniško napajanih električnih pogonih
ID GORJUP, NEJC (Author), ID Fišer, Rastko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujočem magistrskem delu so podrobneje opisani ležajni tokovi, ki kot posledica pretvorniškega napajanja kvarno vplivajo na delovanje asinhronskega motorja oz. v relativno kratkem časovnem obdobju degradirajo ali celo uničijo ležaja motorja. S pomočjo literature iščemo vzroke za nastanek ležajnih tokov, kako jih pravilno izmerimo in na koncu tudi omejimo oziroma odpravimo. V začetnem teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje opredelili in razložili različne vrste ležajnih tokov. V drugem delu smo opisali postopke merjenja tokov, kar smo podkrepili z rezultati tujih avtorjev. Nato smo poizkušali najti čim več načinov oz. postopkov za odpravo neželenih vplivov, kar smo s pomočjo simulacijskih modelov tudi dokazali. Nazadnje smo opravili še praktične meritve v laboratoriju in v industriji. Ker se na konkretnem industrijskem pogonu srečujejo z ležajnimi tokovi, ki povzročajo zaustavitve proizvodnje in zahtevajo bistveno pogostejša vzdrževanja, je namen dela ta, da poiščemo ustrezno rešitev za odpravo neželenih tokov. Osredotočili smo se na nastavitve pretvornika, izvedbo ozemljitve ter uporabo dveh vrst filtrov. V zaključku dela so natančno opisani merilni rezultati, ter navedene ustrezne rešitve in izboljšave.

Keywords:ležajni tokovi, sofazna napetost, sofazna dušilka, sinusni filter, pretvorniško napajanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131560 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79149315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Problems of bearing currents in converter-fed electrical drives
In the master’s thesis we have described bearing currents in details. As a result of the converter type of a power supply they adversely affect the operation of the asynchronous motor or in relatively short period of time degrade or even damage the bearing of the motor. Based on literature we have examined several causes of bearing current’s formation, how to measure them correctly and how to limit or eliminate them. In the first theoretical part, we defined and explained different types of bearing currents. In the second part, we described the procedures for measuring currents based on findings of other authors. Then we tried to find some procedures to eliminate unwanted bearing currents, which we have also supported with simulation models. Lastly we have performed practical measurements in the laboratory and in industry. Since bearing currents are encountered on a particular industrial drive causing production shutdowns and more frequent maintenance, the purpose of the thesis is to find an adequate solution to eliminate unwanted currents. We have focused on converter settings, grounding execution and application of two types of output filters. At the end of the thesis we described the measurement results in details and listed adequate solutions and improvements.

Keywords:bearing currents, common mode voltage, common mode choke, sinusoidal filter, converter power supply

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